Posts Tagged ‘Skin’

Flame Fashion Sequin Mini Dress

While I was just away on holidays I saw orange everywhere when I went shopping for clothing. I love orange so this made me happy. I thought i would celebrate by bringing out one of my favourite orange dress from my SL closest and showing it off in my blog. This isn’t new but it’s better then new, it’s a dress I wear again and again. The dress is from Flame Fashion and is called Sequin Sexy Mini Dress, which pretty much says it all. It costs 299L and comes in 4 great colours. The rust that I’m wearing , gold, aqua and rose. The dress is mesh and comes in 5 sizes, it doesn’t say standard sizing but they are the usual standard sizes.  The store has a lot of nicely textured mesh outfits and there is a demo for everything.  Mesh items are great, but there is still enough flaws in them that I don’t like to spend more then 100L on something unless I try a demo first. Some things are just unwearable no matter how I change my shape.

Flame Sequin Pic 3

The hair I’m wearing is from Truth, and is their mesh style Haven in Espresso. Mesh now has a variety pack. *Does a happy dance* I love Truth hair but rarely bought it because I change my look all the time and no matter what hair colour I bought, it would never been the pack I wanted for the outfit/skin combo I had. I generally only buy hair from shops with variety packs, it is what works for me.  Now that they have a variety pack, even if  it’s on the pricey side, I’ll be buying from them a lot more! The link above goes right to the hair like all my links go right to the item when possible. Truth has redone all their colours, they now have numbers not names, and there are 8 shade colour packs for 250L each, 1 variety pack for 400L and a fatpack for 1250. Pick up the new colour demo packs and hair bases. I swear I have more hair bases in my inventory them most men have total items.

Beautiful, that is the onlyway to describe this new skin from WoW Skins called Chanel. It was for sale last week at SL Fashion Week, but unfortunately between the time I took these photos and the time I wrote this up, I had a 3 day migraine and the skins she was offering switched. I am wearing Chanel in sunkissed in the Cleavage version. If you have missed Chanel, you still have a chance to get it. This skin will be a bonus in the fatpack when Chanel comes out in a few days.  If you want to try another Wow skin in the mean time, there is another skin out at SL Fashion Week which I am showing a picture of next…so stay tuned!

WoW Skins is great for a number of things, and one of the top is that the designer is a very hard working Lady who is always keeping up with trends in SL. She was among the first designers to come out with Tango and Lush appliers for her skins and and now she is at the forefront again in bringing out SLink hand and feet appliers with her skins.  About the only thing that she doesn’t include that I want is gloves with skin texture on the finger tip for prim nails. Those are so handy and prim nails are very popular from what I see walking around SL. If you aren’t in the WoW Skins in world group you need to fix that, she is a very generous shop owner and this is a group that you need to be in. The latest monthly skin gift even contains SLink Appliers. This store is very active, always having sales and new releases and the only way to keep up with all the happenings is to be in the group.

I dressed up Chanel a bit, it has a neutral lip, and I spiced it up with my new favourite set of lip tattoos. It’s The Skinnery’s Voluptous Lip Junkie Set. These are luscious luxurious, rich, shiny lipsticks that make your lips look like voluptous kissable pillows. You get 16 colours for 250L. A definate must buy. I want another pack so I can have more colours…not sure what colours I want because really these are all the colours I use…but I want more…I’m greedy.

The necklace I’m wearing is from Maxi Gossamer  from her Boho Series. It’s the Tarifa necklace which is a mesh necklace that comes in 14 different colours/colour combos on black cording. The necklace set comes with 2 long necklaces and 2 short necklaces and one which is a combo of both. There is also a earring and bracelet set that I didn’t use that matches that is only 199L. I love Maxi Gossamer, and have a ton of her stuff, she always makes such beautiful sets at reasonable prices.  I like that there is almost always necklaces to match her earrings, I hate buying earrings that don’t have necklaces to match.

Wow - Erin_001

This week’s Skin offering at SL Fashion Week from WoW Skins is the Erin Skin and Shape. I’m wearing the Milk tone of the Erin skin with my own shape above.  The Erin shape is lovely though, I’ve never seen a bad shape from Wow, and they have a demo of it and the skins for 1L. The skin comes in milk, tanned and sunkissed tones, each with regular and cleavage versions and the Erin shape. You can get each tone by itself for 150L or all 3 for 400L. Then you can accessorize! You can pick up the tango or the lush breast appliers for 50L each, includes all 3 tones. You can also buy the appliers for the SLink hand or feet appliers for all 3 skin shades for 100L each. You can get the parts you want, without paying for what you don’t want. It works! Whatever tone or appliers you pick you are going to love the soft gloss of the light pink lip, it’s subtle but strong at the same time, and the beautiful shading of the purple shadow. Let’s face it we can never have enough purple make ups!

One thing you will notice is that these appliers when you buy them are not labeled as appliers for Erin, that is because they fit all of the skins that have come from the talented hand of Swansen since Rosa. So you can try them with other skins you own from WoW Skins and see how they match. It’s great when items you buy are multipurpose and you don’t have to buy them again! Check out their blog linked on the side to trace back all their skins that have been released back to Rosa, you will see some lovely photos of some great skins.

Flame Sequin Mini Skirt Picture 2

The shoes and hands above are the best invention since sliced bread. I said after I tried tango breasts that someone should find a way to use appliers to add skin textures to shoes. Well it seems like Siddeon Munro was already on her way to making that a reality. They are part of the SLink Avatar Enhansement System that includes 15 different mesh hands and 2 women’s feet and 1 men’s foot.

If you haven’t looked into the Avatar Enhancement system yet and haven’t tried appliers before, what happens is that you buy the mesh feet and hands, you can either colour them like normal mesh feet and hands using the hud, or use the special enhanced versions and buy appliers (usually at little or low cost from your skin designer).  The appliers are just huds that you wear while you are also wearing the feet or hands that you want to texture. When you click on the hud it automatically applies the texture to the mesh so that they now match the skin seamlessly in most lightings. The feet and hands are still mesh and they will take colours slightly differently than your avatar does, so some lighting will muck up, to use a technical term, but most winlight settings that look great for your skin will look good with the applied textures.  At the end of the day in any lighting this will match better and easier then anything you have ever seen before.

With the hands you can also buy glove appliers from some vendors, and there are a TON of vendors selling appliers for both nail and toenail polish. I’m wearing a rust on both my fingernails and toenails from Orc Inc from thier Rich Darks Fatpack which gives you 50 colours for 550 L. I’m wearing my nails in the long size, but there are several sizes and even a clawed shape. Check out the SLink website for a list of vendors that are adding items for SLink, it’s growing all the time.

The SLink mesh feet are really special and have a world of possibilities. For us women there are two types out right now, the flat and the medium. You can wear these feet alone, the flat feet you walk, yes, flat on your feet with, the medium you walk on the balls of your feet. The flat feet have flat shoes, ballet slippers and flip flops, sandals..that kind of shoe as add ons. The medium feet have pumps and all kinds of sexy shoes like the ones worn above.   Once you have coloured your mesh feet, which takes 10 seconds, as it’s just wear the hud and click, you can change shoes with abandon. The shoes are just a single object in your inventory for each colour, which is sweet for those of us who have too much inventory, so it’s just a matter of right clicking on the colour and shoe you want and choosing wear. Boom. It’s on. Change your outfit or don’t like that shoe with that dress, right click and wear something else. Done…no recolouring needed.

The SLink system also lets designers make outfits with stockings and make appliers for the stockings. You can then use a separate hud to activate the stocking layer on your foot. Once you have applied the stocking applier, your stockings look the same colour all the way to your toes. No more seeing people walking around in stockings that cut off at their ankles

I’m wearing the Elegant 1 hand, which is one of 15 hands in the mesh series. You can buy them a number of different ways, at a variety of costs. However you buy them, if you are wearing the SLink group member title you earn 10% of the sale in store credit for use later.  You can buy single hands for 450L, one of 3 packs of 5 hands for 1,250 or the fatpack of all 15 hands for 2,250, which is definitely the most value for the money.

The shoes I’m wearing Lulu Shoes in Chocolate. You can buy Lulu’s for 450L each or a fatpack of 10 for 2,250. That is about the price of most of the shoes in the store. Some of the fatpacks vary in price depending on the number of shoes in them, but that is basically the level, so compared to a lot of the brands out there, they are a real deal for a very high quality shoe that is extremely easy to match and use.   Win, Win, Win, Win, Win!

The only warning I have for the SLink systems is something I have seen a lot of in both the SLink group and other groups. In my opinion the packages you get for the hands and feet are packed backwards. The hands and feet that are pre-unpacked are the hands and feet that you have to use a hud to colour. Just make a folder for them and label it Hud Tintable and put them aside for when you want to wear them with skins you need to hand tint with RBG matches like most items. Then unpack the boxes that are called Avatar Enhancement. These are the hands and feet that are tintable with appliers. It seems a little backwards that since this is your big selling feature you wouldn’t have these as the items people first get their hands on, but I’m not the designer, I’m sure she has her reasons. Also note that the mesh enhanced feet come with the stocking layer on, there is a little hud in the box for stockings, just put that on and turn them off, and you will be set to go. Other then this small problem, it’s a very simple item to us, if the applier version was packed in the open and the hud boxed, I’m sure everyone would have no problems at all.

The eyes I’m wearing are from Mayfly, and are her Deep Sky Olive Hazel Shadow..I did this close up to show you exactly how beautiful these eyes are and what depth of colour they have.  Mayfly has great prices for their eyes, you can buy the mesh eyes or the system eyes for 99L each. Every weekend they put 3 sets of eyes up for 60L each, so that is a great way to build your collection of eyes for every occasion. That is how I have gotten most of mine.  I do love a sale on great quality items.

The bracelet I’m wearing is from Earthstones, and is her Mosaic Cuff in Solar Flare. It’s a nice piece that matches well, and sells for 499L. It’s hard to tell the scale of something when you are just looking at a box with no photo of the item on. It matches like I thought it would but it’s a lot smaller and doesn’t have the impacted I hoped it would when I paid almost 500L for a bracelet, which for me is a lot for something like that. It’s an extremely well made piece, but if you look at the full length photo of me, it kinda just fades in because of it’s size.

Photography Credits

All the photos were taken on my Katink Photo Studio, using a texture from their Concrete set…number 7

The poses were from the Art Body Store’s Hand Bag Set, unfortunately the store no longer appears to be in business.

Blacklace - Boo Red Velvet Corset - Meghan T3 Scarlet

I got a new fatpack of Adam n Eve’s new skin Meghan, and I thought about how I could show it off, and I thought about the new releases from Blacklace this week and thought they might be a match made in heaven. Luckily yes they were! Meghan comes in four skin tones, T1 toT4, the one I’m wearing  is the T3 tone, one tone up from the darkest. You can buy a single skin for 949 or a fatpack for 6 make ups for 2,900L  which is around half price.

I paired the Scarlet make up with Blacklace’s Boo- Red Velvet Corset with Bordello Skirt. Every part of this outfit is perfect, starting with the huge number of pieces you get. Every Blacklace lingerie set comes with more parts then you ever dreamed you could possibly have lingerie in. This ensure that it’s incredibly wearable, no matter what kind of tattoo, what clothing layer you have to wear for something else, you can fit a Blacklace outfit around it. If you want to combine multiple items on one layer, like garter and corset together…you can…if you want to do without the garter and stocking…you can. The huge number of layers means the ultimate in control.

The Boo corset set comes in 6 different colours, all no copy, transferable for easy gifting. Other then the above red it comes in teal, purple, blue, green and black. Each set is 398L each.  Blacklace is now making Lola’s Tango appliers for their new and released items, that is why Boo is being featured this week. The applier is available to purchase for each of these separately for 99L.

Blacklace - Boo Red Velvet Corset - Meghan T3 Scarlet_003E

To pair with this luscious red corset I chose the Scarlet Meghan make up with it’s lush red lips. The skin defaults with a dark eyebrow, but I am wearing a one of the included tattoos to change the eyebrows to blonde. The other option is red brows of course. There are 4 hair base tattoos as well, I’m wearing the pale blonde.

I’m wearing mesh eyes from Mayfly, their Deep Sky Mesh Eyes in Hazel Shadow. I love the colour of these eyes, brown and green in swirling flecks.   These are eyes you could wear for a year and never get tired of looking at them. These eyes come with 4 different versions of whites like I discussed in my last blog post, and I’m wearing the whites version to go with the pale skin.

The jewelry I’m wearing is from Lazuri, one of my new favourite jewelry stores. This is her newest jewelry set, En Tourent, just a couple of pieces, and just showing a bit of it. This set is beautiful and customizable to the max. The pieces can be made fancy or plainer with a click of a button on the hud that pops up when you touch it and chosing the big or small version of the item. Then you can choose the colour of the metal and the stones. I’m going to cover this jewelry set in another blog post. Head into the shop to look at it soon, as it’s on sale right now for 50% off as a release special, I don’t know how long that sale will last.

Blacklace Tender Caress - Blue Sheer_003e

This beautiful blue lace cincher set by Blacklace is called Tender Caress.  It comes in 8 lovelyshades for 398L each. Aside from the blue I’m wearing there is red, black, white, green, purple, fushia and teal. There are Tango appliers for this outfit as well, available for sale separately at 99L each.  I love this lingerie set, Blacklace does really great lace work, and their lingerie really looks like something you would get off the shelves at a store in real life. Which a lot more then you can say  about most of SL lingerie.

I chose to wear the baby blue make up option for the Adam n Eve Meghan skin with this outfit.  As with the above outfit I wore the breast enhancer tattoo that is included with all Meghan skin packs. If you prefer to have a very small breast sizer, then Adam n Eve has you covered. There is a breast dehancer tattoo included in all skin packs to minimize the appearance of breasts.

The eyes I’m wearing in this photo are also from Mayfly, their Deep Sky Mesh Eyes in Hazy Rainshower, a beautiful light blue.

Blacklace Tender Caress - Blue Sheer_004E

I’m showing this back photo of the Tender Caress outfit for two reasons, one is to show you that the detailing of the Blacklace lingerie doesn’t end at the front but the back is fantastic too, The other is to show you have great the fanny is on Adam n Eve skins. I’ve often heard it said that Sachi Vixen, the genius behind Adam n Eve skins, draws and shades the bests bums in SL, and well from this picture you can’t say they are wrong.

The hair I’m using in all these photos is by [elikatira], her Found in Blonde 7. I love her styles, I love that she sells a variety pack, she was one of the first stores to do so. The only thing I don’t like is that she doesn’t have hair bases, which means I’m struggling to find another store that does with a hair base close to her colour is I want to wear something like this design which has no bangs. It just doesn’t look right to have hair growing out of your head with no hairbase anymore.

Blacklace Tender Caress - Blue Sheer_009E

This bra and panty set from Blacklace is called Kirsty, and it come in 6 enchanting colours for just 298L each. Aside from the white above there is pink, purple, blue, teal and red.  The Tango appliers are 99l each and are purchased separately. One little note about this outfit. It is a little more see through on the bra then it appears in the photo. In order to make the photos “legal” for my feeds I wore a tintable nipple pastie, that covered up my nipple and was colourable to skin colour. I actually bought the one from Blacklace Beauty, and it was only 50L. I just want everyone who is going to buy this to know that your nipples will be visible when you wear this, if you don’t do the option I did. Of course if you are in a situation where you are wearing lingerie, it’s probably not going to matter. *nudge nudge..wink wink*

One of the things I like best about this outfit is it shows off the torso on the Adam n Eve skin. Meghan has great shading, in everything from the clavicals to the lines of the tummy. It even has a totally cute belly button. Another thing about Adam n Eve that I love is that they include a nail cover glove to match your skin, so you can wear prim nails without having to fiddle with tinting gloves. This is a bonus in a skin package that really adds value to me. Saves me time colour matching gloves and nothing ever matches as well as gloves with the actual skin texture on them. Thanks Sachi!

For Nails I wore a pair from my new nail addiction, Bamboo Nails – one of their Pastoral French release..the green nails to match the green eyeshadow. In the photos above I wore the Bamboo Dark Side nail set, the blue nails from it. Check out this blog post for more details on what makes Bamboo Nails so great.

Blacklace Tender Caress - Blue Sheer_005E

Last but not least, a close up of my face, so you can see how beautifully Meghan is detailed. This is the Garden make up set. With all this glowy  skin and soft colours, you definately look like you could have been plucked from an English Spring Garden. It’s a wonderful show of taste. Nothing is overdone, nothing is underdone. It’s all just right.

To top it all off, the icing on the cake as it were, I matched this skin up with the Mayfly Deep Sky Teal Hazel Eyes. The perfect touch for a perfect skin.

Photography Credits – This post was made with a pose prop called BehaviourBody Poset Prop. It has 2 pieces of furniture, a curtained background and floor that changes into 20 different colour themes, and over 70 poses for 1 to 5 people. All this for the amazing price of 499L. There is a copy out to play with in their store. Stop by and have a peek.

Maitreya Long Jersey Dress - Front  - Dare - All Assumptions Aside

I know that in SL it’s always winter til after Christmas, but I’m Canadian and even though we have only had a miraculous 2 days with snow on the ground so far this winter, I’m already tired of it so I’m rushing spring in SL even if I can’t do it in real life. So instead of a winter coat or reindeer sweater or something christmasy , I’m wearing this fantastic VIP group dress from Maitreya called Long Jersey Dress. It’s a limited edition colour of a regular store release, that is only going to be out for VIP group members to buy for a small period of time. It’s selling for 225L which is 1/2 the price of the store release versions.

I find it hard to say just how much I love this dress. I know how much a lot of people were let down by the early mesh designs, but that faint early glimmer of promise those clumsy first attempts at mesh showed, this dress bring to fruition.  Until they somehow make mesh fit us so we don’t have to change our shape to fit it, mesh is not going to get any better then this design. There isn’t one pose in my AO that this dress doesn’t look good in.  Legs apart, legs together, legs crossed, turned sideways, turned back, arms crossed…you name it, this dress just keeps looking great. The shading is spectacular. Onyx LeShelle is brilliant at shading in ways that are organic to the way the dress moves, so it just always looks – well – just right. I can think of no other way to put it. I wish I could take credit for the great looking belt, but that is a part of this dress.

Maitreya Long Jersey Dress - Side - Anya The Captie_001

I tried this pose just for giggles, but I can’t get this dress to look bad doing anything. Believe me, there are not many things in SL that you can use this pose on and not look like an idiot in or not have to edit 3/4 of the things you are wearing to make them look Ok. I didn’t have to touch a thing!

This also gives you a good look at the shoes I’m wearing, the Maitreya Gold Liaison. This shoe is 875L each or 2000L for a mini fatpack of 4. You can also get a fatpack of all 24 colours for 9,990L . I got the mini fatpack of #6 which includes Cocao (which I’m wearing in the photo), Lemon (A bright lemon yellow), Apple ( A muted Apple Green) and Shiver ( Sort of a mix of pale olive and clay). I got this fatpack because it seem to me to offer the best mix of colour, most of the packs are single colour packs, 4 blues or 4 pinks or even 4 taupy shades

I must admit I am pretty confused by the options on these shoes. You can change the sole colours…4 different options…which is nice, but not something I really care about. You can use or not use the ankle strap, but for someone as fussy as I am about matching skin…that isn’t really an option, even with skin matching as close as I have in the picture above it still left a noticeable line. I guess you could leave it off if you put on the tube ankle warmer option, but they look pretty ugly…and the only good thing about socks..the not having to match is take away by the fact the tube doesn’t go all the way to the end of your feet so you still have to match skin anyway. The on standard shoe option that almost every high priced shoe has is the ability to change silver metal to gold. These shoes have silver heels and you can’t change them to gold. To me this is a big limiting factor in what I can wear them with. I mostly buy gold jewelry, so these shoes will see limited wear. Too bad. I like them.

Maitreya Long Jersey Dress - Torso - Dare - Where's My Ring Now

The nails I’m wearing here are from Izzie’s and are her Long French Nails Set. With this set you get prim nails set to 3 different sizes, 10, 15 or 20. I’m wearing the size 20. They have 20 different colours, all with the white tips you would expect with french nails and are changable with a hud. Each nail set comes with a hand posed One of the best things about Izzie’s nails is that they come with 13 tinted gloves, and if the colours she has don’t match, she has a white one that for some reason I find a lot easier to colour then all the other gloves I’ve ever coloured.

All that is just 199L which is a great deal when a lot of places charge more then that for 5 colours.

I wanted a nice wooden bead set to go with this outfit and the Kenya Set in Cedar from PurpleMoon worked out perfectly. Nice wooden beads are surprisingly hard to find in SL. The Kenya set comes in a rainbow of colours each for 175L but there is no fatpack option which is rare for PurpleMoon.

Maitreya Long Jersey Dress - Face - Lauria - Oh So Darking 1

The skin I’m using is one of the latest skins from Glam Affair that is for sale at Collabor88. This is the new Amberly Skin in Europa Frostbite 03. Glam Affairs is offering 3 skins this month, each for 188L, a steal for a skin of this quality. If you can appreciate a pale skin this skin is for you.

The eyes I’m wearing are from Amacci. There are very few designers that can do it all, poses, hair, skin, eyes but Carina Larsen can. These eyes are her new Look eyes, in my opinion her most beautiful eyes to date. These pair are her Burnt Sienna set. Every eye comes with a big or normal version and prim sparkles for each eye. These are very nice sparkles, not horrid blingy things from way back when that you  think of when you  think of sparkling  jewelry etc. Back in the bad old days when everything in SL blinged or sparkled.

You can buy these eyes one at a time for 120L each or get what you really are going to want and get the whole fatpack of 33 eyes for 1500 lindens.

Photography Credits – I photographed this on my Katink Photography Studio, my true love, with a background from their Romance Pack 2 – Romance 20.

Poses – Photo 1 – Dare – All Assumptions Aside (Dare is closed but information given in case you have their poses)

Photo 2 – Dare – Anya The Captie

Photo 3 – Dare – Where’s My Ring Now

Photo 4 – Lauria – Oh So Darkling 01


Yesterday Skin Addiction had it’s Black Friday sale and a ton of great skin creators participated. One of them, Amacci, had a problem with her demo for her offering, Oleana in nutmeg, well SL lost it from it’s data base so people couldn’t try it on so she has fixed the problem and put the sale on for another day.  So her loss is everyone else’s gain, because you have a chance to get this great bargain for another day! Happy dance everyone now!

This is seriously one of the best if not THE best bargains of the sale. You pay 950L, and you get back 475L if you join Skin Addiction, a free group, which is in my opinion the friendliest group in SL which everyone should be in, and have your that group active when you buy.

I showed you the body of the skin above, well here is a close up of the face, Carina does a marvelous job of shading on her skins, she highlights and shadows with skill and panache, never too much, never too little. I have a very narrow face shape, so blush tends to make me look like a drag queen, but her skilled application makes it look great on me. I love these eyebrows but there are 4 eyebrow shapes included so you can make the skin look great with your shape, and have eyebrows that appeal to you.

You also get a freckle version of the skin, not just a freckle tattoo. I’m not a big freckle person, I tried on a freckle skin yesterday that actually scared me, the designer will remain nameless, but this one I like. It’s heavy enough that the freckles don’t just look like a case of run away moles and not so many that you look like a red head that someone tied out in the sun about 10 days too many after the horrid sunburns have healed but the extra freckle storms have arrived.

You have probably noticed the eyes I’m wearing. These are Amacci’s new Look eyes. I’ve been lusting after the fatpack of these since they have come out, I’ll get the money and buy it someday. I love all my Amacci eyes, they are great. These eyes are included in the skin pack, and would be 120L if you just bought them by themselves.

With this set you also get 10 lipstick tattoos, I have photographed all of them above. I love the shine and subtle colour changes.

So what else could she put in a package of skin that your getting for 475L?

How about hair?

Yeap…you get the hair I’m wearing too..including the hairbase. This hair is called Nena and it’s even prettier in the game then it is in these photos.

You also get the cleavage enhancements, and smaller breast options too in tattoo and underwear layers.

You also get the Oleana shape, which I’m not wearing here, but is a nice one, I just wear my own shape with all skin examples in my blog so my readers can compare skins more easily, knowing what is a skin feature and what is shape.

Here is a sexy photo of the skin, and a better look at the Blacklace Lingerie I’m wearing. This is one of their pieces that is on sale today as part of their Model’s Choice Black Friday sale this weekend, it is called Leave Your Hat On in Burgundy and Black. You will find it is on sale for 199L and has a ton of pieces that I haven’t had a chance to show here.  It get’s it’s name because it has a fedora hat and an open and closed versions of an man’s black shirt. Perfect 50’s jazzy look for any seduction scene you have in mind for that special someone in your life. Like almost anything you buy from Blacklace, it is no copy/transfer for easy gift giving, and the pieces are put together in dozens of ways on dozens of layers so you can combine it with whatever else you want to wear in the way of tattoos or collars and still wear it with ease. Drop in and check it out, I’m sure you will pick it up..You’ll love it.

One last look…the back of the skin and lingerie. A lot of skins leave an ugly smear on your butt when your moving around, this one doesn’t…I love that!

The shoes I’m wearing are from one of my favourite designers in SL. I’m just sad that the photos don’t show them off the way they deserve but I’m sure I will be using them again soon. These are the Platform Pumps by HOC Industries. These shoes come texture change, not colour change, because colour change never looked this good. There are 15 textures that everyone gets, and 6 textures you can have any time you want by joining her free group and attaching the hud. The members only textures are always there, haunting you, saying can have me…you want me…join. It’s evil or darn good marketing. It might be evil and darn good marketing.

The shoes can be coloured on the top, the platform part of the shoe and the heel, so you can make a whole lot more then 15 different looking shoes with these shoe pack. It doesn’t come with a foot in it, so you can wear it with stocking like I am doing right now. Always a good thing.  The cost of this fatpack of shoes in hud? Not 1,000L…not 800L…not 500L…not 400L…not even 300L. It costs 175L. Guu Nishi believes not only in making a high quality product but she believes in giving it to people at a very reasonable cost.

Photography – Photo prop – Oriental Bedroom by Katink – This great pose prop comes without any built in poses, but is a great place to use your own poses on.

Poses – Photo 1 – *Boom* – Modeling Set – 200L for 12 very very useful poses or 50L a pose  – Pose 6 – I like the head angles on these poses, a lot of poses have the head angled too far down or too far up for good face shots, not a  problem with these great poses

Photo 2 – *Boom* – Modeling Set – Pose 7

Photo 3 – *Boom* – Modeling Set – Pose 8

Photo 4 – *Boom* – Modeling Set – Pose 10 – All the small photos are using the same pose

Photo 5 – Vain Inc – Satin Sheets Pose 2 – This shop is no longer available in SL but is available in the Market place…see link on name

Photo 6 – Vain Inc – Boudoir 16

Murderdoll…aka Ivey Deschanel has taken her normally fantastic prices at Sn@tch and made them even better, with a 4 day 50% off sale that ends tonight. Sn@tch offers fantastic clothing with amazing detailed hand drawn textures at prices that would be great if you were getting one piece, but almost everything you buy at Sn@tch is a fatpack.  The dress I’m wearing above is no exception, it’s called Silk Goddess, and it comes in two colour packs, Pales and Goths. This dress is from the Goths pack. Along with this sleek silver number, you also get this dress in red, gold, black and purple.

Now we have all seen SL fashions that are recoloured from the SL colour picker, and look horrid, this is not the case with Sn@tch, each item looks like it is originally drawn in the colour it comes in. So perhaps it is more fair to say it comes in different coloured textures then just in different colours. I’m no designer so I don’t really know how to accurately describe the differences, but I know it when I see it, and this is colouring done right.

Here is a close up to see the wonderful shading done on this piece…from the small tiny wrinkles on the hip…to the ruffles around the neck…to the gem brooch at the bottom of the neckline.

You can get all 5 colours of this gown now for just 137L. Even double that when it’s not on sale is a steal.

This is one of my favourite outfits from Sn@tch, it’s called Murder Most Grave and it comes with 7 velvet shades of corsets and the black chiffon layered skirt. For added fun the posture collar is included.  All this is just 125L today during the 50% off sale.

I find this a fun combination of naughty and nice.

Sn@tch isn’t all about dresses though and here is a cute shorts and legging outfit called Farewell My Concubine. This outfit gives you 6 of these sexily belted jackets, in Army I’m wearing, plus Eggplant, Sand, Mushroom, Rose and Slate, these sexy brocade shorts and the black tights. This complete outfit, and so much more can be yours today for 137L.

Sn@tch has literally thousands of items, for all tastes in clothing, if you like it, it’s probably somewhere in the store. Don’t  forget to check out her mesh items and lingerie and accessories. There is also a special outfit you can fish up for free for everyone who likes 7 seas fishing.  So head on over and get a little (or a lot of Sn@tch today)

Photography Credits

Poses – Unfortunately the poses used were from a shut down shop, but the photos were taken using my Katink Photo Studo and their Autumn Splendor Background #5. Their background sets come 10 to a pack and are 100L. They have literally hundreds to choose from.

Credits for other items used

Silk Goddess 

Skin – Lara Hurley-Mia – smokey eyes/Tan – With Mia Golden Shadow Tattoo

Hair – Truth – Leesa – Sandlewood

Lashes – LeLutka – 2011 Lashes – Curl

Eyes – Aphotic Gloom – Clarius Special Edition # 3 – Jordan

Shoes – SLink – Aveela Stiletto –  Black

Murder Most Grave

Skin – Lara Hurley – Mia – Tan – Purple and the Mia dark eyeliner

Hair – Elikatira – Again – Brown 08

Lashes – Leutka – 2011 Lashes – Curl

Eyes – (amper) – platinum slur – No longer for sale

Farewell My Concubine

Skin – Glam Affair – Giselle – Light Kajira D – Special Edition Skin but line still available

Hair – Calico Ingmann Creations – Eleanor 1 – Auburn

Lashes – LeLutka – 2011 Lashes – Curl

Eyes – Aphotic Gloom – Clarius Special Edition # 3 – Jordan

Shoes – Nardcotix Mana Breeze Stilettos – Black

This beautiful gown named Lavish is the latest mesh creation from Apple May Designs, and the first mesh gown that I have personally tried on and been 100% thrilled with. It’s a great design that has a sultry curves and wonderful textures. This is a gleaming lush brocade. I have a soft spot for brocades, I am a member of the SCA in rl, and everyone in the SCA has a persona from an area and an era. Mine is 1500 Italian, and at that time all Italians were bonkers for brocade. As a result I have a soft spot for the rich heavy fabric. This comes in 3 colours, black (shown), white and red. The black is the only colour shown in the demo, the white is shown in the store photo, and the red, well it isn’t shown in any photos other then a small square showing the texture, so you will have to extrapolate how it will look from that. The gown is only 275L so is very reasonably priced as are all Apple May Design products.

This classic mermaid gown with a small train is fitted extremely well. I have taken the standard mesh shape in small, as the small is the closest to my own shape, and put my own face on it, and this gown fit on it with no need to change a thing. If you buy many mesh items you know how hard that is to find even in items that claim to be Standard Sizes. What is even better, is that I don’t have any of the invisible patches around the edges of the dress, which is a big problem with a lot of mesh designs. The flair mermaid skirt makes this dress a treat to walk in, I looked at myself from behind and the side and the front when walking and it looked fantastic any way.  No legs kicking through, it moved like a mesh gown should. This is a great dress, go get the free demo and try it on today.

As an added bonus for this weekend only, Apple May, has kindly put out her Edith Necklace in 3 colours for only 10L each, above is the black and white version…

And there is a red and black version….

And for those with a taste for the more dramatic avant garde look, there is a pure white version.  This 10L price only lasts this weekend, so I would hurry and get it while the price is hot, because these necklaces can go great with any number of gowns, and of course are the perfect foil to the Lavish gown.

The beautiful skin I’m wearing is by Al Vulo! and is the Julia in Cocoa skin tone, red make up with dark brown and cleavage. I saved my lindens and bought the whole fatpack of the Julia Cocoa skin tone which costs 2800L  for 6 skins, or you can buy just one skin for 800L. If your a real skin addict like me, how can you settle for just one?

Al Vulo is special in that it’s really the only skin with highly blushed cheeks that looks good on me, most of the time with my face shape that just makes me look like a clown.

This skin comes with a huge amount of things in the fatpack. A lot more then I ever expected to get. If I was giving Al Vulo advice on sales I would tell her to give more details on what is in her fatpacks, because I wouldn’t have hesitated so long over buying them if I had known how much I was getting.

You get – mesh eyelashes…which I’m not wearing, as I didn’t have time to fiddle with fitting them yet

6 Shades of eyeliner on tattoo layers

7 lipsticks on  tattoo layers

5 lip glosses on tattoo layers

6 different versions of the Julia Shape ( no mod, so with how often one changes shape with mesh, useless in my opinion)

Each skin comes in light brown with and without cleavage and dark brown with and without cleavage

A lot of goodies for your lindens!

The hair is from Elikatira and is called Found. This is one of her new mesh hair dos, and as you can see from the picture showing the back of the gown, it looks as great from the side and back as it does from the front. I’ve never been in love with most of the flexi hairs in SL. A lot of them look like a boiling pot of spaghetti to me more then they do hair. The hair popping in and out of your boobage has never really enamoured me either come to think of it. That being the case I’m one of the people who has embraced the new mesh hair with a gusto. It encompasses the best of non-flexi prim hair and gives it a bit of life and movement.

This is an example where mesh hair works really well.  The only thing I dislike about it is that Elikatira does not have hair base tattoos to match her hair colours, and that I am starting to feel more and more is a necessity for hairs that are drawn back at the forehead. The difference a hair base makes to the front of designs like this hair, is astronomical. It would take Sheldon from the Big Bang Theory to think of a phrase for it, so I’m not up to the job. For this photo I’m wearing the Black 04 from the Elikatira Essentials Collection and I put with it the Amacci Hair Base 2 tattoo in Ebony.  Fortunately you can match blacks with other designers, so I can at least wear black in this design until Elikatira gets her own shades out.

The hair costs 250L for a colour pack, 280L for the Essentials Collection, which is 8 different colours from different natural hair colour family… head…black… or if you love it and want it all, the fatpack is 1,400L

Photographic Credits – I used the Katink Hot Box…This pose prop is a box that you pose within, which has 19 poses, and 21 intense exciting colours. The poses are all adjustable so you can move them around in case your outfit is causing problems or your avatar is too small or too large to fit an average pose. They have one on display on the top floor of their building, so you can go play with it today and see if you like it. You can buy it for yourself or gift it to a photography loving friend for just 500L. That is a lot cheaper then I have seen similiar quality items for.

Katink used to be called Props and Poses or PNP but they have rebranded as Katink and are better then ever. They are putting things out at an amazing pace. All group members get 50% off new items and they have great group gifts each month.  They also have great specials every weekend when they take part in 60L weekends. If you are an SL photographer or even just thinking of taking it up, this is a group you need to belong to.  The members are great, always willing to help out with an answer or two.

Wearing but covered before in other posts –

Eyes – Aphotic Gloom – Aquilius Eyes – Kiwi –

Eye Lashes – LeLutka – Curl – Touch Me –

I went this week to the latest edition of Designer’s Circle, and found I was able to make a great look for not a lot of money. Is there ever anything better then that?  Everything mentioned today is bought at Designer’s Circle even though I give the store and links to the store.

I started with this sexy lace dress from BeautyCode is called the Dream Girl Lace Mini Dress in Black and is for sale for just 95L. This dress is really well made, the lace texture is excellant, even though the cups are lace too, and my nipples are dark in this skin they barely show, and the thin shoulder straps meet extremely well on the shoulders, almost no seam mark at all. The side seams aren’t noticeable in the least.  It’s great getting a well crafted dress at a good price.

The prim nails I’m wearing are from Moondance Boutique, they are sold for 75L  for 10 different colours of Purple. Now the wording on the sign is a bit misleading, it says that the nails come in 6 sizes  which it does (5,  10, 15, 20, 25 & 30), 5 lengths which they don’t (They only come in medium, which is a very nice length) and 2 styles, which they don’t, these come only in round.  10 colours for 75L is a good price and if she reuses store signs, and it gets a bit confusing, I don’t really care. What is shown on the photo, is exactly what you get.  Personally I don’t mind less options, fewer things to keep in the inventory.  I’ll be tossing all the sizes that aren’t my size as it is.

What does bother me is that her stuff comes no copy/no modify/no transfer.  I like to back up everything in my inventory back up system, and I can’t do that when it’s no copy. If it’s no transfer, why not make it copiable.  It doesn’t make any sense to me to deny people the ability to back up their inventory to keep the Linden Gods of Misfortune from losing it.

But all of that aside, as you can see, they are very pretty nails, at a great price, you can access the colours with a simple spoken command, and a click on the menu will change the colours to something else. You change each hand individually so you can have each hand coloured differently if you want. You can also change the shine level with the same command.

The jewelry I’m wearing is also by BeautyCode, and it’s sold in separate pieces so you only buy what you want. The necklace and earrings you see here are bought for 90L each, you can also buy a 2 ring set to match, for 90L but I hardly ever wear rings so I skipped them. This jewelry has great shine in the stones, a nice hip titanium coloured metal, which matches the shade shown in the photo. I hate buying jewelry and things are different then the colour in the photo. The necklace shape works great with breasts with cleavage, you  don’t need to make yourself flat to wear it, which is always a nice bonus. At 19 prims each the earrings are not bad if you are worried about causing lag where you are going, the necklace is a bit heavier at 66, but still a lot better then most jewelry.

I don’t tend to like makeup with a lot of blush, it doesn’t tend to work with my face shape, although I know that there are a ton of shapes out there that is flatters immensely.  I was pleasantly surprised then when I tried on this skin by BeautyCode and found it looked as good on me as it did on the sales photo. Well at least that is my opinion…egotistical…Moi? I love makeups that stand  up and shout to be noticed and this skin has that. The shimmer in the eyes, the gleam on the lips, the highlighting on the face, it all blends to make a great look.  I’ll leave the natural no make up looks to others who enjoy them, and I do admire how they pull them off, but they never seem to look great on me.  I guess it’s all about how one sees oneself. I’m a pretty peacock I guess. I’m just going to completely gloss over the fact that it’s the males in the peacock family that have the pretty plumage, and the females that look boring and plain. Man, you just have to watch my rl French Canadian husband preen a bit to know that is true in humans too…he takes longer to get ready then I do.

I digress however..back on subject. This beautiful BeautyCode skin is called Eve – Sensual Lips and is available at the Designer’s Circle for only 90L. It comes with a bald base, and cleavage tattoo which I’m wearing. There is also normal and  freckle version. I’m wearing the normal version as you probably guessed. Normally I toss freckled versions out, but this one is pretty cute, I think I will keep it. This skin does come with a demo for free so I suggest you try it…you’ll love it.

The hair I’m wearing is from Calico Ingmann Creations and is called Elenor 1. It’s on sale at the Designer’s Circle where you get the full fatpack of over 200 of Calico’s great colours for 100L.  It’s a steal. You will notice if you compare the look of what I’m wearing with the look of the item in the photo in the store that my hair looks a bit better. That’s because I went to Calico’s shop and got her free pack of hair base tattoos which she didn’t have when the hair came out.  These are a must to wear with any hair style that goes back at the top or side, it really really really really really improves the look, making hair styles look a million times more natural.  They are free so hit the store landmark and grab them.

This hair moves fantastically, Calico is a genius with curly hair bounce and sway. There are no non-flexy spikes in this hair that so date other hair-dos and this hair doesn’t have any of that wild whipping around that makes you look like you are in a wind tunnel. There is no transparency errors that bug me so much that make people’s hair look like it’s a boiling froth.  It’s just very much a natural hair look that moves with your ao.  Simple genius.

There are two hair dos for 100L each at the Designer’s circle and an older design as a 1L freebie to try.  There are free demos of the 100L ones so give them a try.

My eyes are my inventory find for this post,  they are from Insufferable Dastard, and are from an old Gatcha event and are called Spring eyes/Sweet Treats – Blackberry Jam if you want to see if you have them.  They match beautifully with the jewelry, but if you don’t have them, don’t worry, Insufferable Dastard has you covered with a ton of more current eyes available in prim/mesh and regular versions for very low prices.  Truth be told I could have gotten a couple of  fatpacks of eyes from there for what I paid getting the gatcha eye colour I wanted, but I had fun gifting the doubles.

She is making some really fantastic eyes now with multiple rings of colour, I’ve been buying them up, just need the right outfit to show them off with. If you haven’t seen them, head to the shop and check them out.

I swear, gatchas see me coming and hide the colours I want.

Photography – The photographs were taken on the Poses N Props Photo Studio…the enduring love of my SL life….and the background was their Moonbeams pack 3 – background 27.

My bad bad husband threw away my paper with my pose notes on it, bad husband bad…such a misguided attempt to keep me neat…I know I used my Manifeste poses and that one was pose 144, the body shot, but I don’t know what the other was…sorry.

Today I made an outfit around this terrific leather jacket that is now on sale at .Shi. This jacket is normally part of two different outfits, you can buy at a much higher price, both great outfits, but right now, you can buy it by itself for just 50L. If all you want is the jacket, it’s a great deal! Of course once you go to .Shi, don’t be surprised if you walk away with much more then just the jacket, because their designs are killer. Her Chinoi is one of my  all time favourite SL outfits.

The mesh black leather pants I bought to go with them are from which is closing today. They have all their clothes on sale for 10L, including these pants in about 16 textures. I bought them all. Some of her snake and leopard spot ones are really well done. Sorry to see someone who can texture mesh items so nicely closing down.

The really nice shoes are python pumps from Leverocci and are at the last Fashionably Late which is closing down today. They have 3 colours of these for sale, black, gold and blue. They are 150L each and there is a demo so you can make sure that they look as great on you and they do on the sign. They will! Don’t forget to go to the Leverocci shop, they have a lot of reasonably priced shoes there, and they have a lot of stunningly beautiful designs. A must for shoe lovers.

The hair I’m wearing is from Pocket Mirrors and is on sale at the sales event called The Fitting Room . The Fitting Room describes itself as a Premium Outlet, and unlike most of these sales rooms, you must be a group member to buy anything at The Fitting Room, but it does cost nothing to join. I expect many people will be joining, buying and leaving. They might be wise to have a hippo group for people to join who aren’t going to stay in the group from month to month.

The Ava 2 hair from Pocket Mirrors came in the Black Pack for 70L which is a great price, and the hair is much nicer then   hairs I’ve tried from Pocket Mirrors in the past. I’m really loving it, it really captures the vintage quality of an Ava Gardner hair do, the textures are great on it, it’s made the perfect length to not spend all it’s time in my shoulders. The only complaint I had was that I felt it could use a hair base when on a shape it wasn’t made exactly to fit. Since black hair bases tend to be pretty interchangable between brands I wore my Amacci base with it, and was very happy with the results.

If you haven’t tried Pocket Mirrors in a while, it is probably time to give this shop another go.

The nails I’m wearing that matches the eyeshadow so perfectly are from [Virtual/Insanity]. This is from their Pastel Square Nails pack 1…colour 8.  Right now pack 1 and pack 2 are both on sale for 75L each for the Taste of SL weekend sales event.  This price is half the price the packs will be on after the sale, so get in before Monday if you can, but if you can’t, you can still grab them for 150L each, which is still a great price for 8 nail colours a pack.

Last but in no way least, the skin I’m wearing is from the Gatcha event – The Gatcha Party. It’s the Lily skin, from Wow Skins.  They have 2 Gatcha’s out but if you have Gatcha luck like mine…24 items in the container, and I’ll get the same two 12 tries in a row…you’ll be happy to hear that their two Gatchas have exactly one thing in each of them. Perfect luck each time.  Just try each one once and you have it all! The Lily skin is the one I’m wearing, and the Lily Skin 2 is similar but with a pretty blue shadow. Both are a thrifty 55L each. Don’t miss out…go today while you remember!


My photos were taken on my PNP – Photostudio using the Pirate’s Cover Pack 2 which is on sale this weekend for 60L as part of their 60L

One of the things I like about this studio is every weekend since I bought it, they have had 6 packs of textures up for sale at 60L each, but even if you buy them brand spanking new, they are a very reasonable 100L for a pack of 12 textures.

Poses – The poses I used this time are from Dare, which is unfortunately out of business. In case you have their pack and want to know

Photo 1 – Get on my hip pose

Photo 2 – I’m never bored

Photo 3 – I squat because I can

Last Friday, I found a “new to me” shop, Vershe, but I know she isn’t new to a lot of people, because no one new is this good! I got a message in one of my groups about her group  Freebie Friday, it showed a GORGEOUS pair of shoes she was hiding for her group in the store for free.  So I figured her group would have some horrid joining price. Nope…it was free.    Then I figured the shoes would be stupidly hard to find. Nope, I found them in like 10 minutes, and for me that’s pretty good, I’m not a treasure hunter. So I figured she must have very high prices on her normal stuff to make up for giving away great items. Nope..her prices are great! I’m wearing Vershe from top to shoe for less then 600L, no freebies or sale items involved. You know you have won when you find a shop with great prices and great quality, with an Owner with a generous nature.

The top I’m wearing is Vershe’s Belly Flasher in Cheetah. This top sells for an incredibly reasonable 70L each or a fatpack of 5 for 199L. I don’t normally buy fatpacks of clothing because I always figure that your going to wear your favourite colour and the rest are going to be ignored anyway, but they were all so nice, and the price was so right, I got them all.

I did however thwart the name, not flashing my belly at all by wearing the Vershe’s Jeanies, a nice high waisted jean. These jeans come in 5 pretty colours, for 200L each or a fatpack for 899L. That wasn’t cheap enough to tempt me into getting them all so I just got the shade version, a nice dark gray that will go with everything.  These are nice jeans though and I am a sucker for high waisted pants so I won’t be surprised if I go back for seconds.

What I really love are these heels, Vershe Stacka’s! I love them so much I bought the fat pack. It’s not a huge fatpack, it’s only the four shoes above, but I had to have them all.  Now she needs to design something to go with the zebra shoe. The shoes are prim feet, and sell for a very very very reasonable price of 299L each or 999L for the fatpack. The one big advantage of the fatpack is that it’s one shoe with the texture change options on the hud. I love anything like this that lets me have less things in inventory. One thing that I didn’t show was that the shoes also have 4 different coloured heel options, a black, a white, a lighter brown and this the darkest brown. They all look good, I should have shown more then one, but it was late at night when I photographed all this and I just forgot the heel options were there.

Clothing doesn’t look great without great accessories, so now is time to talk about what I wore with the clothes.

One of the best nail makers in SL is [Virtual/Insanity]. This weekend for the last La Venta Eventa they put all their prim nails on 50% off. This was a great chance to pick up a lot of great nails at a great price and boy did I take advantage of it.  These nails are their Bengal pack, which might make you think they are tiger stripes since Bengal is a species of Tiger, but they are cheetah/leopard spots, with 8 fantastic colours including this natural I’m wearing in the photo. They come with gloves you can colour if they don’t match your skin but the fit is so good, that I find you can go without most of the time.  You can see a little of my skin’s nails in this shot but in every day SL with my hands moving, that would be incredibly difficult to spot. Each pack comes with 3 different hand sizes and the 8 different nail colours offered in each pack are chosen by clicking on the nails which brings up a hud.  So if you only have one shape or if all your shapes have the same hand size you can toss out the unneeded hand sizes and just keep the gloves and two prim pieces in your inventory per set.

The sale is suppose to have been over at the end of the weekend but it’s still on monday morning at the time of writing this blog, so hurry in while the great sale prices last, but even at regular prices of 150L a pack, these nails are well worth purchasing.

The hair I’m wearing is from Love Soul, and I love it. It’s simple, it’s elegant, it’s flattering…what is not to love. I find Love Soul’s hair a bit pricey, as you only get one hair colour for 170L, which is only 80L less then what I’m paying for 5 or more hair colours of a style in most hair stores.  So I really have to love it to buy it. Fortunately or unfortunately, however you want to look at it, they make hairs that are sometimes worth the price.  In this case I thought it was. This is style number 71 guessed it…Black.

My skin…It’s no secret that I’m a skin fanatic. Yes..I’ll leave the W word alone for now. I found this  skin at the latest edition of Structure Your Skin project. It’s by Mystic Canvas, and I adore it. I love it, I have a girl crush on it. I would have it’s babies if I could. I won’t say I’ll never take it off, because well, my love for skins is fickle and I know I’ll be attracted to the next shiny that comes along, but for now, this one has all my love.  For a mere 85L you can pick up this beautifully crafted skin with 3 different levels of gloss on the lips from matt to super glossy. This is the medium glossy, I bet you  would just love to see the super glossy! You also get all 3 with a cleavage option, which I’m not wearing in these photos. Get your fanny down  to Structure Your Skin and see how good Mystic Canvas can make you look. I know it won’t be the last skin I get from them.

My eyes are the prim version of the Candybox eyes from Aphotic Gloom‘s latest Aquilius Collection, the Coeur collection  which came out for Valentines Day, Coeur meaning Heart in French.  This collection has 4 eye colours in it, each as pretty as the last, each colour comes with regular eyes in large and normal, and a set a prim eyes. The box also contrains a set of white eyes to wear behind the prim eyes. His prim eyes are the easiest ones I’ve found to fit. They are just a slim film that go over the white eyes, and they are sizable so you can make them as large or small as you wish.

Photography Information –

These pictures were taken using the PNP Photo Studio version 3.0..which is probably the best 1500L I ever spent in SL. It’s made taking photos so much easier! It’s out and available for a try at Poses N Props

The photos today are taken on the background from the Missing Mile texture pack, background 15. This pack was on sale this weekend for 60L, along with 5 other packs. One of the great things about this studio is that the designers put out hundreds of backgrounds, 10 in a pack for only 100L. If you don’t need a specific back ground right away and are just looking to increase your collection, they have 6 sets on sale every weekend for 60L each, as well as 6 pose sets, although those are usually 2 person poses which aren’t good for me.

These are suspose to be off sale now but are still on sale as of writing this Sunday morning

Poses –

Photo 1 – Nancy 10 – Comes in Photo Studio

Photo 2 – Valerie 7 – The Valerie Poses were on 60L weekend sale this weekend from PNP…*happy dance*

Photo 3 – Jewelry 3  – This is a new runway pose from PNP …party of their new jewelry collection, it glides gracefully til it’s in this position..lovely pose.

Photo 4 – Jewelry 5 – This is also a runway jewelry pose, which moves elegantly until finishing with fingers by face to show your jewelry. I wish I could show it in motion.

These runway poses are 100L or the 6 pack for 500L, which are reasonable prices for runway poses. PNP have a lot of runway poses if you are looking for them, I know they can  be hard to find, but some can make great editions to AO’s as well as looking amazing on runways.

It’s Ground Hog Day today, and the 2 Canadian Ground Hogs didn’t see their shadows so we are not going to get 6 more weeks of winter, so I’m officially ignoring the 2 feet of snow outside my window and declaring it spring! I admit that it’s a mighty thin bit of meteorological reasoning to hang the beginning of spring on, but despite times call for despite measures, and I had enough of winter…oh…about November.  So to celebrate the spring that I can at least have in SL if not in real life, I got together My Precious and Adam n Eve and took them to romp in the flowers.

Everyone knows that Agnes Finney of My Precious is famous for stunning gowns, but if you aren’t a gown girl there is still plenty at her shop to keep you happy. This dress called Unforgettable comes in white or pink and is 680L. It has a fantastic lace texture, great ruffles and  bows and the skirt is made in such a way that I didn’t see any real breakage in it when I walked. I don’t know how she managed that feat.

Their is a package of her nude bras which come in 7 pre-set skin tones, and one modifiable one, along with directions on how to tint the modifiable one if you are shy but I felt this skin was light enough that I didn’t really need it. You have to look pretty close to see and nipples. Why not give the men eye strain.

If you are looking for a less fashion forward look, then just take off the jacket and ruffles on this dress, and your left with an extremely beautiful elegantly simple lace dress that versatile enough to wear often.

Now one piece of really good news! My Precious VIP group is free to join. If you haven’t been to the shop and seen all the beautiful dresses that you can buy at a discount when your a VIP member you should do so, if there isn’t one that appeals to you, your missing one of your X chromosomes.  It s a great chance to be in a great group without paying the usual 100L fee. Then you can decide which one of the about 20 outfits you’ll get first.  The free VIP Group lasts until Feb 4th, so don’t put it off and forget about it.

The next part in my spring celebration or is that winter denial look is this beautiful skin from Adam n Eve. For a long time I loved how Sachi Vixen’s skins looked on photos but they never looked that great on me, but about 2 years ago that all changed. Now everything she puts out, and she puts out a lot, looks fantastic on me. She is one of the few designers that  make her skins from scratch, so when you buy her skins, you know  that there aren’t going to be 30 skin stores making similar skins out there.

This is something I never do, wear a freckled skin, normally when I open a skin pack, the first thing I do is toss out the freckled versions just to save space in my inventory, but I fell in love with Piper when I put her on.  Piper comes in 4 skin tones, this is pale, the lightest, there is also natural, warm and tan.  Piper is one of their skin packs, which means it sells for 1,800L but it comes with regular and enhansed cleavage, 6 lipsticks and 4 eyeshadows. The make up tattoos are really well done, they actually overset the whole eye area, so if you change your skin and forget you are wearing them, you look like your wearing a mask. Oops. But it does make for perfect make up, with none of the “not quiet right” feeling you can have with some shadow tattoos.  On top of that, you also get hair bases, manicures and other toys. Try a demo and I’m sure you will  love Piper as much as I do.

The jewelry I have been wearing in all these photos is from FineSmith from their offering in the Limited Couture. It’s 350L for the set, necklace, earrings and bracelet, which is a fantastic deal for jewelry, especially a limited edition set. The only thing I didn’t like was that the photo you buy it from shows the metal as being a light pink, where you can see mine is a very dark lead colour. When you buy jewelry to match an outfit, you have to be able to trust the colour on the photo, or you are often tossing your money away for something that won’t match what you want to wear it with.  I still chose to wear this item, but it would have looked a lot better with my dress if it had been the colour advertised.

Hair – This is Rumour by Elikatira, one of her lovely updos. The colour I’m wearing is her Red 05 from the Essentials collection. I love her Essentials collection, it’s a nice mix of colours for those of us who like to switch hair colours but don’t want to buy fatpacks.  It’s 250L for the Essentials Collection, 220L for other small packs and 1200 for the fatpack.

Poses – I used Hop Scotch’s set Pose Me…I’ve used it before..but it’s great and I will probably use it again. It’s 350L for 12 poses. Someday I’ll have to pick up Pose Me 2….