Archive for the ‘Mayfly’ Category

Flame Fashion Sequin Mini Dress

While I was just away on holidays I saw orange everywhere when I went shopping for clothing. I love orange so this made me happy. I thought i would celebrate by bringing out one of my favourite orange dress from my SL closest and showing it off in my blog. This isn’t new but it’s better then new, it’s a dress I wear again and again. The dress is from Flame Fashion and is called Sequin Sexy Mini Dress, which pretty much says it all. It costs 299L and comes in 4 great colours. The rust that I’m wearing , gold, aqua and rose. The dress is mesh and comes in 5 sizes, it doesn’t say standard sizing but they are the usual standard sizes.  The store has a lot of nicely textured mesh outfits and there is a demo for everything.  Mesh items are great, but there is still enough flaws in them that I don’t like to spend more then 100L on something unless I try a demo first. Some things are just unwearable no matter how I change my shape.

Flame Sequin Pic 3

The hair I’m wearing is from Truth, and is their mesh style Haven in Espresso. Mesh now has a variety pack. *Does a happy dance* I love Truth hair but rarely bought it because I change my look all the time and no matter what hair colour I bought, it would never been the pack I wanted for the outfit/skin combo I had. I generally only buy hair from shops with variety packs, it is what works for me.  Now that they have a variety pack, even if  it’s on the pricey side, I’ll be buying from them a lot more! The link above goes right to the hair like all my links go right to the item when possible. Truth has redone all their colours, they now have numbers not names, and there are 8 shade colour packs for 250L each, 1 variety pack for 400L and a fatpack for 1250. Pick up the new colour demo packs and hair bases. I swear I have more hair bases in my inventory them most men have total items.

Beautiful, that is the onlyway to describe this new skin from WoW Skins called Chanel. It was for sale last week at SL Fashion Week, but unfortunately between the time I took these photos and the time I wrote this up, I had a 3 day migraine and the skins she was offering switched. I am wearing Chanel in sunkissed in the Cleavage version. If you have missed Chanel, you still have a chance to get it. This skin will be a bonus in the fatpack when Chanel comes out in a few days.  If you want to try another Wow skin in the mean time, there is another skin out at SL Fashion Week which I am showing a picture of next…so stay tuned!

WoW Skins is great for a number of things, and one of the top is that the designer is a very hard working Lady who is always keeping up with trends in SL. She was among the first designers to come out with Tango and Lush appliers for her skins and and now she is at the forefront again in bringing out SLink hand and feet appliers with her skins.  About the only thing that she doesn’t include that I want is gloves with skin texture on the finger tip for prim nails. Those are so handy and prim nails are very popular from what I see walking around SL. If you aren’t in the WoW Skins in world group you need to fix that, she is a very generous shop owner and this is a group that you need to be in. The latest monthly skin gift even contains SLink Appliers. This store is very active, always having sales and new releases and the only way to keep up with all the happenings is to be in the group.

I dressed up Chanel a bit, it has a neutral lip, and I spiced it up with my new favourite set of lip tattoos. It’s The Skinnery’s Voluptous Lip Junkie Set. These are luscious luxurious, rich, shiny lipsticks that make your lips look like voluptous kissable pillows. You get 16 colours for 250L. A definate must buy. I want another pack so I can have more colours…not sure what colours I want because really these are all the colours I use…but I want more…I’m greedy.

The necklace I’m wearing is from Maxi Gossamer  from her Boho Series. It’s the Tarifa necklace which is a mesh necklace that comes in 14 different colours/colour combos on black cording. The necklace set comes with 2 long necklaces and 2 short necklaces and one which is a combo of both. There is also a earring and bracelet set that I didn’t use that matches that is only 199L. I love Maxi Gossamer, and have a ton of her stuff, she always makes such beautiful sets at reasonable prices.  I like that there is almost always necklaces to match her earrings, I hate buying earrings that don’t have necklaces to match.

Wow - Erin_001

This week’s Skin offering at SL Fashion Week from WoW Skins is the Erin Skin and Shape. I’m wearing the Milk tone of the Erin skin with my own shape above.  The Erin shape is lovely though, I’ve never seen a bad shape from Wow, and they have a demo of it and the skins for 1L. The skin comes in milk, tanned and sunkissed tones, each with regular and cleavage versions and the Erin shape. You can get each tone by itself for 150L or all 3 for 400L. Then you can accessorize! You can pick up the tango or the lush breast appliers for 50L each, includes all 3 tones. You can also buy the appliers for the SLink hand or feet appliers for all 3 skin shades for 100L each. You can get the parts you want, without paying for what you don’t want. It works! Whatever tone or appliers you pick you are going to love the soft gloss of the light pink lip, it’s subtle but strong at the same time, and the beautiful shading of the purple shadow. Let’s face it we can never have enough purple make ups!

One thing you will notice is that these appliers when you buy them are not labeled as appliers for Erin, that is because they fit all of the skins that have come from the talented hand of Swansen since Rosa. So you can try them with other skins you own from WoW Skins and see how they match. It’s great when items you buy are multipurpose and you don’t have to buy them again! Check out their blog linked on the side to trace back all their skins that have been released back to Rosa, you will see some lovely photos of some great skins.

Flame Sequin Mini Skirt Picture 2

The shoes and hands above are the best invention since sliced bread. I said after I tried tango breasts that someone should find a way to use appliers to add skin textures to shoes. Well it seems like Siddeon Munro was already on her way to making that a reality. They are part of the SLink Avatar Enhansement System that includes 15 different mesh hands and 2 women’s feet and 1 men’s foot.

If you haven’t looked into the Avatar Enhancement system yet and haven’t tried appliers before, what happens is that you buy the mesh feet and hands, you can either colour them like normal mesh feet and hands using the hud, or use the special enhanced versions and buy appliers (usually at little or low cost from your skin designer).  The appliers are just huds that you wear while you are also wearing the feet or hands that you want to texture. When you click on the hud it automatically applies the texture to the mesh so that they now match the skin seamlessly in most lightings. The feet and hands are still mesh and they will take colours slightly differently than your avatar does, so some lighting will muck up, to use a technical term, but most winlight settings that look great for your skin will look good with the applied textures.  At the end of the day in any lighting this will match better and easier then anything you have ever seen before.

With the hands you can also buy glove appliers from some vendors, and there are a TON of vendors selling appliers for both nail and toenail polish. I’m wearing a rust on both my fingernails and toenails from Orc Inc from thier Rich Darks Fatpack which gives you 50 colours for 550 L. I’m wearing my nails in the long size, but there are several sizes and even a clawed shape. Check out the SLink website for a list of vendors that are adding items for SLink, it’s growing all the time.

The SLink mesh feet are really special and have a world of possibilities. For us women there are two types out right now, the flat and the medium. You can wear these feet alone, the flat feet you walk, yes, flat on your feet with, the medium you walk on the balls of your feet. The flat feet have flat shoes, ballet slippers and flip flops, sandals..that kind of shoe as add ons. The medium feet have pumps and all kinds of sexy shoes like the ones worn above.   Once you have coloured your mesh feet, which takes 10 seconds, as it’s just wear the hud and click, you can change shoes with abandon. The shoes are just a single object in your inventory for each colour, which is sweet for those of us who have too much inventory, so it’s just a matter of right clicking on the colour and shoe you want and choosing wear. Boom. It’s on. Change your outfit or don’t like that shoe with that dress, right click and wear something else. Done…no recolouring needed.

The SLink system also lets designers make outfits with stockings and make appliers for the stockings. You can then use a separate hud to activate the stocking layer on your foot. Once you have applied the stocking applier, your stockings look the same colour all the way to your toes. No more seeing people walking around in stockings that cut off at their ankles

I’m wearing the Elegant 1 hand, which is one of 15 hands in the mesh series. You can buy them a number of different ways, at a variety of costs. However you buy them, if you are wearing the SLink group member title you earn 10% of the sale in store credit for use later.  You can buy single hands for 450L, one of 3 packs of 5 hands for 1,250 or the fatpack of all 15 hands for 2,250, which is definitely the most value for the money.

The shoes I’m wearing Lulu Shoes in Chocolate. You can buy Lulu’s for 450L each or a fatpack of 10 for 2,250. That is about the price of most of the shoes in the store. Some of the fatpacks vary in price depending on the number of shoes in them, but that is basically the level, so compared to a lot of the brands out there, they are a real deal for a very high quality shoe that is extremely easy to match and use.   Win, Win, Win, Win, Win!

The only warning I have for the SLink systems is something I have seen a lot of in both the SLink group and other groups. In my opinion the packages you get for the hands and feet are packed backwards. The hands and feet that are pre-unpacked are the hands and feet that you have to use a hud to colour. Just make a folder for them and label it Hud Tintable and put them aside for when you want to wear them with skins you need to hand tint with RBG matches like most items. Then unpack the boxes that are called Avatar Enhancement. These are the hands and feet that are tintable with appliers. It seems a little backwards that since this is your big selling feature you wouldn’t have these as the items people first get their hands on, but I’m not the designer, I’m sure she has her reasons. Also note that the mesh enhanced feet come with the stocking layer on, there is a little hud in the box for stockings, just put that on and turn them off, and you will be set to go. Other then this small problem, it’s a very simple item to us, if the applier version was packed in the open and the hud boxed, I’m sure everyone would have no problems at all.

The eyes I’m wearing are from Mayfly, and are her Deep Sky Olive Hazel Shadow..I did this close up to show you exactly how beautiful these eyes are and what depth of colour they have.  Mayfly has great prices for their eyes, you can buy the mesh eyes or the system eyes for 99L each. Every weekend they put 3 sets of eyes up for 60L each, so that is a great way to build your collection of eyes for every occasion. That is how I have gotten most of mine.  I do love a sale on great quality items.

The bracelet I’m wearing is from Earthstones, and is her Mosaic Cuff in Solar Flare. It’s a nice piece that matches well, and sells for 499L. It’s hard to tell the scale of something when you are just looking at a box with no photo of the item on. It matches like I thought it would but it’s a lot smaller and doesn’t have the impacted I hoped it would when I paid almost 500L for a bracelet, which for me is a lot for something like that. It’s an extremely well made piece, but if you look at the full length photo of me, it kinda just fades in because of it’s size.

Photography Credits

All the photos were taken on my Katink Photo Studio, using a texture from their Concrete set…number 7

The poses were from the Art Body Store’s Hand Bag Set, unfortunately the store no longer appears to be in business.

Adam N Eve - T3 - Catseye - Nam's Optimal Skin and Prim E


Adam n Eve have been making state of the art skins for the 6 years that I have been in SL. For some people, Adam n Eve skins are the first skins they ever had on, since when Linden’s updated their newbie avatars to have modern features like…Oh…Prim hair…instead of the monsterish hair that we started with when I was “born” they turned to Adam n Eve to produce the skin for those newbies. I remember when I made my first avatar I went through the walk through, and I tried to make my system hair, which basically looked like thick brown lichen growing like a bush out of your head, into the beautiful hair like the people I saw all around me…gave up and quit the game. Eventually I came back and created Tapika, learned about prim hair, became a lot less frustrated, and the rest is history.

One of the things I like about Second Life is its ability to evolve, some designers fail to evolve with it, and still create items the same way they did from the beginning and get farther and farther behind in quality, but other embrace change and keep to the head of the pack. Sachi Vixen is one of those designers, her mesh work she does with Siddean Munro in their One Bad Pixel shop is second to none, and her skins continue to be some of the best SL  has to offer, working from scratch to create her own skins. I love her ethnic skin lines, they are some of her best. More than just darkened versions of pale skins.

Today I’m showing one of her new skins, Shelby, she comes in 4 different skin tones, tone one through to tone 4, with tone one being the palest. The photo above shows Shelby in tone 3. This skin has great lines, contouring and shading, everything that Sachi is known for. There are a lot of extras in these packs, some of which aren’t done by many other designers at all or are increasingly being sold as separate add ons.  She gives you 4 tattooed hair bases, in the 4 main hair colourings, which I have found actually handy for hair stores that don’t have hair bases like Elkatira. You get a tattooed bust enhancer  for those like me who like the extra cleavage look above, and for those who don’t want much less in the way of breasts there is a breast dehancer tattoo. The skins have dark eyebrows by default, and you get tattooed red head and blonde eyebrows. My most favourite add on of all from her is the gloves to hide nails.  Every skin designer should put these in, but I only know one other designer that does.  These are fantastic for those of us who wear prim nails, no fussing matching skin colours and tinting gloves, these gloves are perfectly coloured to match the skin. WONDERFUL! You also get a freckles tattoo and a tattoo for dimples on your cheeks. You can bling yourself to your complete satisfaction. Oh yes…you also get a skin. All this for 949 a skin pack or 2,900L for the fatpack of 6 skins.

You can also buy a set of 6 lipsticks especially made for you skin tone for 300L. These will go great with any of the make ups, especially the bare. Below I’m going to give you a photo of all the make ups other then the bare, since I find bares are mostly bare canvases for people to make up tattoos on anyway. Adam n Eve does make a very pretty bare skin though, it is great for a fresh faced look, if you like that style. I would like to note that I have fairly heavy eyebags on my SL shape because I like the under eye make up to show up more then it does on most make ups. If you want your make up to show more or less under the eyes, play with your eyebags. Eyebags can be pretty, but only in SL . Who knew?

Adam N Eve - T1  - Catseye - July Light 01

This is Tone 1 in the Cat’s Eye Make up

Adam N Eve - T2  - Fawn - July Light 01 E

This is Tone 2 in the Fawn Make up

Adam N Eve - T3  - Pale - July Light 01 E

This is Tone 3 in the Pale Make up

Adam N Eve - T4  - Pinky - July Light 01EThis is Tone 4 in the Pinky Make up

Adam N Eve - T4  - Scarlet - July Light 01_E

This is Tone 4 in the Scarlet Make up.

Adam N Eve - T4 - Scarlet - Nam's Optimal Skin and Prim E

In this shot you can see the great body that Sachi as crafted for this skin, not too much muscle, not too little, sleek feminine curves, beauty marks intriguingly placed, soft shadow of bones to make you look slender not emaciated. If you haven’t given  Adam n Eve skins a try before, I hope you go out and grab a free sample and see what they can do for you. I think you will be thrilled with the results.

The outfit I’m wearing is one of the new lingerie releases from Blacklace, called appropriately enough Rousing. It comes with the bra, panties, stocking and mesh corset that I showed here, but also with a demi bra that I hesitated to show for fear of getting my blog restricted. It’s wonderfully naughty, just a wee bit too short to be proper. Great for those alone times when you don’t want to be proper. The corset/cincher is mesh and comes in the  5 standard sizes, large through extra extra small. I’m usually a small in standard sizes and a small fitted me perfectly with this. There are 2 different alpha layers included to make sure that all shapes have trouble free fittings.

There are a lot of prim bows on this outfit, 3 at the front and 2 in the back, and a lot of shops would have put them all on one or two objects to make less items in the bag, but Blacklace is all about making it easy for the customer, so they keep the back and front bows on separate objects, only putting the two bottom bows in the front together. This allows you to edit the bows into place without having to worry about having the ones in the front look right and the ones in the back look out of tilter or visa versa. This way they all look perfect. The outfit also comes with everything on every possible layer for incredible flexibility.

The Rousing set comes in six beautiful colours, the Pink Satin and Cream I’m wearing here, as well as Red, Chocolate, Purple, Blue and Mint. Each set costs 398L each and are transferable for easy gifting. You can get them all in the sexy pack for 1,599 which is like getting 2 free.

The hair I’m wearing is from Exile and is called Crazy in Love. It’s  a rigged mesh hair, and I think it’s amazing. I love all of Exile’s work.  I love even more that he has a natural’s pack so I don’t have to just get one hair colour, but can get a mix of one each from all the natural hair colours.  This is the red hair from the naturals pack, Sunset. I’m wearing it with his hair base in sunset, his hair bases are free and right in front of you when you walk in the door. His hair packs are 250L each except his two varigated hair packs which are 280L each. His fatpacks if you want it all are 1,000L.

The eyes I wore are from Mayfly, and are called Deep Sky Mesh Eyes in Deep Shadow. Mayfly makes their eyes with 4 different white shades so you can get them the way you want them, and they are sizable by scripting, or if you don’t like mesh eyes you can get the same great colours in system eyes for the same price. They sell for just 99L a pack.

The prim nails I’m wearing are from Jamman nails and are the most expensive thing I have on. They are their ultra mesh rigged nails and they cost 1,499L for the set. Now anyone who has read this blog knows I’m pretty cheap.      I don’t mind spending money, but I want to get my money’s worth, and if it’s expensive I’ll brood for days before I will fork over the cash. Well this purchase I think I brooded for weeks. Every time I had just decided…no..not worth the risk, they would send another notecard out and I would go look at them and go…well maybe…until one day I just did it. Well it was worth the risk. This are wonderful nails. For your lindens you get 800 different colours of nail polish, for a start, so it’s less then 2L a polish colour. You can colour each nail individually or do them all at once. Now not every polish colour is going to be to your liking,  I admit that to me the silver and gold tabs are way too much  of the same things, the designs are different enough to justify the space used, I would have much rather had half of each combined on one tab and another tab for animal prints which is something this hud is lacking in. The gold and silver tabs were the last 2 tabs, and I can just image the brain burn the poor designer was going through after having created 600 nail textures at that point, it’s no wonder that animal prints didn’t occur to her. If I had to create 600 nail textures they would probably find me walking down main stretch in my underwear with tinfoil on my head talking about how the aliens are listening. It’s a miracle that she pulled out  200 more.

With this nail set you get all the future upgrades. Normally with SL stuff that means if they have to fix it, you get the fix, and that’s it. These nails really have been upgraded since I first bought them. A great deal. They are now on version 4. There are more shapes and lengths of nails now. You have the ability to create your own solid or tipped nail colours. She added shine in 2 intensities.

One thing for those of you with shapes that are not modifable so you were unable to wear prim nails before…these nails size themselves to your hands…anything from 0 to 100. It doesn’t matter, it’s done automatically for you.  No muss no fuss.

Would I buy these again…in a heart beat.

Front 1 E

[Liv-Glam] is soon bringing out a new department called Gracia, which is her new skin department. One of the new stars I think will be this new skin by Kira Paderborn called Britain. This fantastic skin is an amazing departure from the skins I’ve seen from Kira before. She has left behind for a moment the “girl next door” skins that I love from her, and has produced her first high fashion skin. It is coming out in 3 shades, from pale to dark, I’m showing you the darkest here today, shade 3.

Front 2EBritain also comes with oodles of shadow and lipstick tattoos to mix and match with for fun and great unique looks that you can call your own.  I’m wearing one of the two Britain shapes here today, which will also go on sale with the skin.  Watch [Liv-Glam] for an announcement soon for when this great skin hits the store! I’ll be back with more looks at the great make ups then.

Other players –

Hair –  ::::Fab-U-Lous:::: Jade B in Black – This is great hair, with fun bounce and a great silhouette,  it needs a hair base, but those are pretty easy to come by in your inventory in Black.

Eyes – I used Mayfly Eyes again..I’ve been using hers a lot lately..for a good reason..they are fantastic. Today I used Liquid Light Mesh Eyes in Midnight Oil.

Nails – Jamman’s Ultra Mesh Rigged Fingernails V3  – This nail hud gives you 800 different nails textures and 11 different nail shapes. When you buy it they offer you unlimited upgrades and they really mean it. I have never bought a fashion product that has been improved as much as this has. There has been 2 versions out since I bought it, both with significant added features, things other stores may have sold other huds for, for example adding 5 sizes of rounded nails to the square and pointed nails. There are a ton of things to talk about this product and I’ll probably cover them another day when I have more time. About the only thing I can say that bugs me about it is that they have a whole hud page of 100 silver textures and 100 gold textures, and really about 20 for each colour would do. There is only so much you can do with metal textures and most of the textures are so similiar in appearance that you really have to cam to extreme close ups to see that your nails have even changed.  When the difference is that little who cares. It would have been nice to have some animal prints, natural and different colours instead. That is just 200 out of 800 textures though, the other 800 are quite varied.  The hud is 1499L which isn’t cheap, but I think it’s worth it, especially with the improvements that keep coming through.

Earrings – A&A Fashion – These are from the Dangerous Spike Earring and Necklace Set from The Dressing Room – Fusion. You get the whole set for just 60L.

Lingerie – This bra and panty is part of a dress from Angelic Lefevre Couture called Ops Dress White. It sells for 450L.

Shoes – I tried to match this skin with one of my new pairs of Gos Boutique shoes but since this skin is obviously not in their data base yet since it’s not out, I had to use the manual match. It was an utter failure. I could get it to match in the front but it was orange in the back,  pumpkin orange. That was with local lighting off. I shutter to think what would have happened when I turned on the lights and started with the shadows.  Yikes! So I went back to my most beloved Gos Pimp Your Pump V2 – Classic Platforms. I used my monotone add on here I believe because I shaded the shoe satin white and chose to use the dickie bow in front in satin black. I bought all the colour add on for this shoe. It’s one of my most used inventory items. My only complaint about it is he isn’t putting more colours out for it. The new boutique items are great..REALLY REALLY GREAT..I wouldn’t have bought 3 fatpacks if I didn’t think they were great…but sometimes you just need something that doesn’t need to be matched or that you can wear with stockings.

Photography Credit  – The Mannequins – Lost Angel Industries – Lots of prims – 3 poses – 325L

Liv-Glam - McQueen Stud Dress - Me - Model 6 - Front_001

Liv -Glam is known for having some of the greatest sales in SL. She is very good at stripping me of a ton of money every single week! I however score a ton of great clothing so it’s a good deal. Miss Jones, the avatar behind Liv-Glam also does fantastic high fashion photos   of all her outfits, but I just wanted to show you that no matter what your style, you can find something at Liv-Glam.

This new release called McQueen Stud Dress reminded me of the old slip dresses updated with spikes for an edgy modern look. This completely reminds me of the slip Elizabeth Taylor wore in Cat On A Hot Tin Roof. Just pair this dress with a pale skin with deep red lips and you get a great vintage glam Hollywood look. Just taken to 2013. This style is my happy place, it’s more me then anything else is in SL.

This dress comes with 24 different colour versions, most with silver studs, some with this copper studs. Lots of different colours to play with, something is sure to please, actually more then one version is sure to please. It was hard picking ust one colour to show. This dress being a new release is 375L.

Liv-Glam - Rhawnie - Still LIve - Spaces - Breathing Out And In - Front_001

If you want to get in touch with your wicked half, I would suggest getting one of Liv-Glams Monday sale items called Rhawnie 2. It shows as being Cheetah and Blue Jean material on the sales ad, but it looked Cheetah and Black in my lighting, and it just said Dark Priestess…Gothy to me with the head scarf.

With the right skin and eyes, this outfit goes from fashionable to eerie. I’m sure the more punky gothy types among you are already thinking of the tattoos and piercings you can add to this to make it even more dark looking.  Go for it! Let your imagination wander on this beginners canvas.

You can pick it up all this week for just 99L and see what you can make with it.

Liv-Glam - Candace Dress - LAP - Curves - Baby Got Back - Side_001

Bold, Bright and Colourful. A lot of today’s fashion icons revel in colour, never fading into the background, always making a splash everywhere they go. If you like to dress as bright as your personality, Liv-Glam has a this great dress called Candace, it comes with 6 bright colour versions of this pattern on the hud. This dress also has great curves to it. With Candace, Baby has got back, hips and a great narrow waist.

Candace is in this weeks 55L Thursday sales so it’s only 55L. 55L for 6 dresses, you can’t beat that.

Supporting  Players

Photo 1 – McQueen Stud Dress

Skin – This skin is from Gala Phoenix, it’s from her Jewel Set in the Gold Tones. It’s Black Diamond Make Up Version 2 in Honey (Pale).  It’s nice to see Gala Phoenix back, and her work up again in SL in the Curio sim. This skin 1.500 for one makeup duo pack alone or you can get 6 make up duo packs for 2,000 lindens. Pretty much a no brainer which you should get. All fatpacks should be priced like this. Then watch my inventory really explode.

Hair – This is hair 134 from Love Soul in Jet Black. I found it had a little hole in the back but putting a black hair base under it hid it well enough to make it buyable and enjoyable to wear. It and hair 135 are their new releases right now and are on 50% off as of publishing. This means they are 90L per single hair colour.

Nails – The nails I am wearing are from Izzie’s Metallic Nails. You get a rainbow of 40 metallic shades for just 199L. You also get the best selection of skin matching gloves around. She has 13 in her collections including a white which for some reason is much easier to get a clean match from, then other gloves I’ve edited. I know, it makes no sense, it shouldn’t work that way, but it does for me. I don’t explain SL, I just play it. It’s gotten so that her gloves are the only gloves I use, I have hers in a file called gloves in my prim nail file, and when I make a glove for a skin I label it with the skin name and keep it in that file. I just throw everyone elses gloves away, unless it’s a skin designer who has matched the glove to their skin. I hope everyone who wears prim nails starts bugging designers to do this.

Eyes – From Mayfly, these are the Liquid Light Mesh Eyes in Pale Paris Shadow. With Mayfly you get 4 sets of eyes with varying shades of the whites for 99L. You can also get the same package but in the old school SL eyes, for the same price, the choice is up to you.

Photo 2 – Rhawnie 2

Hair – I used the Boon Gathered Mid Hairbase in Black. This hairbase is sold at Boon and is made to be worn with a set variety of hair styles, and it looks like hair pulled back in a pony tail. It works well as a stand alone hair piece under scarves like this. It costs 100L for 15 colours. Check out the hairs that are made for this hair base, you might like them.

Skin – Glam Affair – Gio – Black Snow. I’m not sure where I got this, but it doesn’t seem to be on sale anymore in the store. It was probably an event somewhere. Have a peek in your inventory, you might have it.  The Gio skin line is still alive and well at Glam Affair though so have a peek at the other great make ups.

Nails – I am wearing a cheetah print nail to match the print in the top. I’m never one to pass up a sale, and this is a great sale. I got this nails from Fab.Pony. All their prim nails are 30L a set, and include nails for sizes 0, 5, 10, 15 and 20 hands. The Gold Cheetah set included 3 different versions of the nails, a straight cheetah  print, a french version with a black tip, and a version with a black half moon at the base of the nails. That’s a lot of prim nail goodness for 30L. These are some fun and pretty nails, if you like prim nails or just have wanted to see what the fuss is about, I would suggest going there and dropping  just a few lindens and trying some of these nails out. This is a bargain that can’t be beat.

Eyes – I used Mayfly eyes again and everything I said above still applies. This time the colour was Deep Sky Mesh Eyes in Dusky Cherise.

Photo 3 – Candace

Skin – This is a Heartsick skin from what is now Aeva. It was in the Devotion skin line, Eternity skin tone, and the make up is called Lime Twist. It doesn’t appear to be sold at the shop anymore but you can search your inventory to see if you have it already. The Devotion skin line in natural make up is still sold…500L for all skin tones included. There is a tattoo line called Neon in the shop, which looks a lot like the shadow used here, so you may be able to recreate the look, since the lips are close to the natural Aeva/Heartsick lips, just put a lipgloss tattoo on and you’ll be set.

Hair – I wore Amacci’s Sphinx hair in Ebony. This hair has a streak option that comes on a hud, I just picked the lime streak. It’s a fun play on an updo.  I paired it with a hair base from Amacci’s second set of hair bases. Both sets are free. The first set has a clean brushed back look, the second set has small tendrils of hair falling around your face. It’s nice to have options. I got the black pack for 250L. There are a lot of other single tone packs for the same price or you can get a fatpack of everything for 900L.

Nails – These nails are from Fab.Pony too, like above, and are called Gradients – Square Tip – Lime.  It’s a fun little design and comes in all the sizes mentioned above for the same price. 30 L.

Eyes – These eyes are from Aphotic Gloom, and is the shade Apple from their Claris Collection.  You get both the old SL eyes, both large and small,  and prim eyes for just 99L a colour. Or you can pick up the 4 pack of green shades for 199L. If you are going to get two, you might as well get them all!

Jewelry – The necklace and earring I’m wearing is from Luzuri, who is the new big name in jewelry for gowns. She also has some fun designs you can wear with dresses and this set called Tres Chic is one of them. You can buy this set in set stone versions for 400L for the necklace, earrings, bracelet and 2 rings, these sets are all metal change which is oh so nice.  The real fun however comes when you get the full colour change set which is 1,300 L or you can buy just the pieces you want, if your not a bracelet and ring girl you can be like me and just get the necklace and earrings. The necklace was 650L and the Earrings were 350. Now I have access to 9 gem stones to mix and match in the set or just to wear all one shade along with the 4 metal colours.  In the set above I wore mostly the yellow stone and a bit of the green stone thrown in. There are so many possible and beautiful combinations, you’ll be playing with it for months.

Photo Credits.

I took these photos on my Katink photo studio, using their studio textures. The first and 3rd photo are from their new Los Islas 1 pack, and the 2nd photos is from their Abandoned pack. All their studio textures have 10 full permissions textures in them so you can use them in any photo studio.

Photo 1 – Pose is from /me and is Model Pose 6 – Tried to find information on this pose pack but creator information was blank.

Photo 2 – Pose is from Still Life and set is called Spaces and the pose is Breathing In and Out (can’t make a link to Still Life…it seems to have moved or closed in the last month…will get back with a new address hopefully…sad face)

Photo 3 – Pose is from Long Awkward Pose – Set is called Curves and pose is called Baby Got Back – Store is closed, information given for those who might still have it.

Blacklace - Boo Red Velvet Corset - Meghan T3 Scarlet

I got a new fatpack of Adam n Eve’s new skin Meghan, and I thought about how I could show it off, and I thought about the new releases from Blacklace this week and thought they might be a match made in heaven. Luckily yes they were! Meghan comes in four skin tones, T1 toT4, the one I’m wearing  is the T3 tone, one tone up from the darkest. You can buy a single skin for 949 or a fatpack for 6 make ups for 2,900L  which is around half price.

I paired the Scarlet make up with Blacklace’s Boo- Red Velvet Corset with Bordello Skirt. Every part of this outfit is perfect, starting with the huge number of pieces you get. Every Blacklace lingerie set comes with more parts then you ever dreamed you could possibly have lingerie in. This ensure that it’s incredibly wearable, no matter what kind of tattoo, what clothing layer you have to wear for something else, you can fit a Blacklace outfit around it. If you want to combine multiple items on one layer, like garter and corset together…you can…if you want to do without the garter and stocking…you can. The huge number of layers means the ultimate in control.

The Boo corset set comes in 6 different colours, all no copy, transferable for easy gifting. Other then the above red it comes in teal, purple, blue, green and black. Each set is 398L each.  Blacklace is now making Lola’s Tango appliers for their new and released items, that is why Boo is being featured this week. The applier is available to purchase for each of these separately for 99L.

Blacklace - Boo Red Velvet Corset - Meghan T3 Scarlet_003E

To pair with this luscious red corset I chose the Scarlet Meghan make up with it’s lush red lips. The skin defaults with a dark eyebrow, but I am wearing a one of the included tattoos to change the eyebrows to blonde. The other option is red brows of course. There are 4 hair base tattoos as well, I’m wearing the pale blonde.

I’m wearing mesh eyes from Mayfly, their Deep Sky Mesh Eyes in Hazel Shadow. I love the colour of these eyes, brown and green in swirling flecks.   These are eyes you could wear for a year and never get tired of looking at them. These eyes come with 4 different versions of whites like I discussed in my last blog post, and I’m wearing the whites version to go with the pale skin.

The jewelry I’m wearing is from Lazuri, one of my new favourite jewelry stores. This is her newest jewelry set, En Tourent, just a couple of pieces, and just showing a bit of it. This set is beautiful and customizable to the max. The pieces can be made fancy or plainer with a click of a button on the hud that pops up when you touch it and chosing the big or small version of the item. Then you can choose the colour of the metal and the stones. I’m going to cover this jewelry set in another blog post. Head into the shop to look at it soon, as it’s on sale right now for 50% off as a release special, I don’t know how long that sale will last.

Blacklace Tender Caress - Blue Sheer_003e

This beautiful blue lace cincher set by Blacklace is called Tender Caress.  It comes in 8 lovelyshades for 398L each. Aside from the blue I’m wearing there is red, black, white, green, purple, fushia and teal. There are Tango appliers for this outfit as well, available for sale separately at 99L each.  I love this lingerie set, Blacklace does really great lace work, and their lingerie really looks like something you would get off the shelves at a store in real life. Which a lot more then you can say  about most of SL lingerie.

I chose to wear the baby blue make up option for the Adam n Eve Meghan skin with this outfit.  As with the above outfit I wore the breast enhancer tattoo that is included with all Meghan skin packs. If you prefer to have a very small breast sizer, then Adam n Eve has you covered. There is a breast dehancer tattoo included in all skin packs to minimize the appearance of breasts.

The eyes I’m wearing in this photo are also from Mayfly, their Deep Sky Mesh Eyes in Hazy Rainshower, a beautiful light blue.

Blacklace Tender Caress - Blue Sheer_004E

I’m showing this back photo of the Tender Caress outfit for two reasons, one is to show you that the detailing of the Blacklace lingerie doesn’t end at the front but the back is fantastic too, The other is to show you have great the fanny is on Adam n Eve skins. I’ve often heard it said that Sachi Vixen, the genius behind Adam n Eve skins, draws and shades the bests bums in SL, and well from this picture you can’t say they are wrong.

The hair I’m using in all these photos is by [elikatira], her Found in Blonde 7. I love her styles, I love that she sells a variety pack, she was one of the first stores to do so. The only thing I don’t like is that she doesn’t have hair bases, which means I’m struggling to find another store that does with a hair base close to her colour is I want to wear something like this design which has no bangs. It just doesn’t look right to have hair growing out of your head with no hairbase anymore.

Blacklace Tender Caress - Blue Sheer_009E

This bra and panty set from Blacklace is called Kirsty, and it come in 6 enchanting colours for just 298L each. Aside from the white above there is pink, purple, blue, teal and red.  The Tango appliers are 99l each and are purchased separately. One little note about this outfit. It is a little more see through on the bra then it appears in the photo. In order to make the photos “legal” for my feeds I wore a tintable nipple pastie, that covered up my nipple and was colourable to skin colour. I actually bought the one from Blacklace Beauty, and it was only 50L. I just want everyone who is going to buy this to know that your nipples will be visible when you wear this, if you don’t do the option I did. Of course if you are in a situation where you are wearing lingerie, it’s probably not going to matter. *nudge nudge..wink wink*

One of the things I like best about this outfit is it shows off the torso on the Adam n Eve skin. Meghan has great shading, in everything from the clavicals to the lines of the tummy. It even has a totally cute belly button. Another thing about Adam n Eve that I love is that they include a nail cover glove to match your skin, so you can wear prim nails without having to fiddle with tinting gloves. This is a bonus in a skin package that really adds value to me. Saves me time colour matching gloves and nothing ever matches as well as gloves with the actual skin texture on them. Thanks Sachi!

For Nails I wore a pair from my new nail addiction, Bamboo Nails – one of their Pastoral French release..the green nails to match the green eyeshadow. In the photos above I wore the Bamboo Dark Side nail set, the blue nails from it. Check out this blog post for more details on what makes Bamboo Nails so great.

Blacklace Tender Caress - Blue Sheer_005E

Last but not least, a close up of my face, so you can see how beautifully Meghan is detailed. This is the Garden make up set. With all this glowy  skin and soft colours, you definately look like you could have been plucked from an English Spring Garden. It’s a wonderful show of taste. Nothing is overdone, nothing is underdone. It’s all just right.

To top it all off, the icing on the cake as it were, I matched this skin up with the Mayfly Deep Sky Teal Hazel Eyes. The perfect touch for a perfect skin.

Photography Credits – This post was made with a pose prop called BehaviourBody Poset Prop. It has 2 pieces of furniture, a curtained background and floor that changes into 20 different colour themes, and over 70 poses for 1 to 5 people. All this for the amazing price of 499L. There is a copy out to play with in their store. Stop by and have a peek.

Spearsong & Flirt Mesh Retro Dress - Front - Still Life  [Twit] Zoom Zoom Boom -_002

Wait long enough and what you used to wear will come back into style, so it’s fun to wear retro looks, and recreate the past, one you lived or just have seen on TV and Movies. It’s also great when you can put together a great look at a great price. This dress is from Spearsong a store filled with things I would love to wear and all at great prices. It’s called appropriately enough – Womens Mesh Retro Dress. It costs just 70L. You can get the fatpack of all 6 textures for 500L. There are some funny fatpack pricing in SL, like this one. If you bought all 6 separately you pay 430L so you pay an extra 80L instead of getting a discount for getting them all.

Spearsong & Flirt Mesh Retro Dress - Side - KS2Cool Pose 70

For a mesh dress this one fits great. I wore my normal small breasted shape and all I had to do was hike my breasts up a touch and I could do away with the alpha layers entirely. The only weakness of this design is the alpha layer doesn’t cover the one spot it really needs to which is the butt. I have to change my butt size to about 20 so it didn’t show skin. It was sad to do it. It is kinda a crime against nature for a black girl to have small flat ass but under a mesh dress no one can tell.

I like all the small details on this dress. The fact that the dots stay basically the same size, no bigger dots on spots where the fabric expands like on the breasts like I have seen on other mesh dresses with dots.  I love the texture of the satin belt, how it has that reflective little sheen that real satin has. I also appreciate the finishing little touches like the perfect small zipper in the back of the dress. So many outfits don’t have any visible way of getting them on and off. I appreciate the touch of realism.

The shoes I’m wearing in this picture and the one above are from N-core. I have loved N-Core shoes for a long time, this is the group gift edition of the eternity shoe. You can’t get this “dotty version” but you can buy 12  other colours of eternity shoes for 495 each or get the fatpack for 3495L. At the fatpack price it’s like getting 5 pairs free.

Spearsong & Flirt Mesh Retro Dress - Face - KS2Cool Pose 78

This great afro is from a edgy shop called Unorthodox owned by designer Tonio Harmison. He does all kinds of great urban hair designs. 90% of his hairs are made for men, but a lot of them can be worn by women. So be a little adventurous and buy demos and give them a try. The only fly in the ointment is that he charges 1L for demos, I hate paying for demos, It’s not the money, it’s just the idea. It really works against the designer. Sure you get 1L even if I don’t buy the hair, but I don’t try as many demos, I only buy the ones for the hair I’m pretty sure I’m going to buy. Result, I don’t those hairs that aren’t my normal style that look surprisingly good on me. For a couple of lindens, you have lost 2 or 3 hair sales.

The hair I’m wearing here is called ” Natural Curls – Side Part -Female…this comes in black and blonde…350L each colour. This does have a part on the left side if you have it as a very short afro..a part in both the hair and hair base, but I liked the longer afro look for this retro outfit, it’s nice that it can be versatile and I wanted to show that.

I know you all want to know about this skin,who wouldn’t. The bonus is that the body is even nicer then the face..Score! It’s by Glance and is called Nyasha, her latest creation. She has a great system for skins, you buy the skin in the tone you want, then a lip pack and a shadow pack…or just use the lips and shadows you already own. I of course bought both, It is a good deal, all the shadows and lipsticks are superbly done.

The Base skin is 1,099L, The lipstick pack which has 12 colours, in both matt and gloss for 499L. The shadow pack is 10 shadows fo 399L

The rich brown eyes I’m wearing are from Mayfly. They make the best mesh eyes I have tried so far. They fit me perfectly without any need to fiddle or move around which has never happened to me before. They also come in 4 different pairs of eyes per box so that you can have the whites you want. Ironically finding eyes with good whites to me often feels harder then finding eyes that have great irises. Going to SL “best” eye store netted me eyes they said were for pale skin that had whites that were pinker then my skin, and it wasn’t even that pale a skin. Boy was that a waste of money. I don’t know how many eyes I have bought that have had grey in the corners when your eyes look to the sides or even worse blood red in the corners. At times it has been enough to stop me from trying new eyes at all so I really appreciate the white options in these Mayfly eyes. \

They don’t just have great whites though, the iris comes in a huge selection of colours, the ones I am wearing are the Tawny Bristre eyes. All of their eyes look even better on your avatar then the photo on the front of the box, which is a nice change from some shops that photoshop so much that it’s the other way around. Top it all off with a great light reflection, it all add ups to some great eyes that only cost 99L each.

The “exactly perfect for the dress” necklace that I’m wearing is from Izzie’s 50′s pearls necklace in white. This necklace costs 60L each or  500L for the fatpack of 16 colours  They come in a rainbow of colours and tones, there is probably something perfect for your outfit, retro or not.

Last but not least there is my nails. These are from Bamboo, which is a shop I found recently. They are having a sale right now so all their nails are on 50% off so grab them now while you can because I don’t know when the sale is over, there was no end date on any of the sale announcements. I can never seem to do great photos of prim nails so I’m going to put a photo of the store photo..they do a much better job of it then I do.


Bamboo’s nail packs come with 5 different nail colours or designs in a set, controlable by a hud that lets you colour each nail. The nails are scripted in ways that let you exchange hud controls for what are normally extra pairs of nails. The hud grows your nails to 4 different sizes, from small to extra large. The hud will also change the size of the nails to fit hand sizes 0, 10 or 20. These nails are a ton of fun, very beautiful, with loads of imaginative designs I haven’t seen anywhere else. RubyRedRusset, the designer, does a great job of keeping her marketplace shop up to date so if you aren’t in the game when you read this, have a peek there.

The only complaint I have about the store is that it heavily uses some shades of certain colours and doesn’t use other shades at all. For instance I tried to feature them in my last blog post but there wasn’t a single wine/burgundy nail. There also isn’t light olives or moss greens but if I wanted the green in the picture above I could have had over a dozen different packs though.I find as a consumer that when the same colours are used again and again in packs, even though it’s different designs, I eventually stop buying them, because you can only use so many items of the same colour. I hope things mix up a bit, get some jewel tones and tapestry shades etc etc because I love these nails.

Photography Credits – I took the photo with my Katink photo studio, using the April Showers Pack 1 background pack. This is background 9 out of the 10 full permission backgrounds that you get for 100L.

Photo 1 – Still Life – Silly Little Twit Set – Zoom Zoom Boom – Still Life makes great…wistful..if you can feel it, still life shows it, and shows it at a price that doesn’t break the linden bank.

Photo 2 – KS2Cool – Pose 70 – These poses are by a terrific blogger Karla Scorbal so of course they are great for bloggers. They are also the cheapest poses I have ever seen. Every pack of 10 poses is just 5L. Anyone who uses poses needs to pick

Photo 3 –

KS2Cool – POse 78

Photo 4 – Taken from market place with shop owners permission


One of the designers I have been most frustrated by not being able to blog while I’ve been trying to get my computer fixed is [Liv-Glam]. In the length of time that it took a bunch of computer experts to figure out that some network circuits on my motherboard were fried, she has gone from a brand new name in SL to a big booming shop with tons of fans. Either she works very fast or computer experts as a dense as granite. I think it’s both actually.

A lot of bloggers will only blog completely original content, so if you didn’t make it all by yourself, they won’t blog it, but  I’ve always felt that I rather have a wonderfully textured template then an original item with wonky seams and just coloured with the SL colour palette. Texturing is an art in itself or so many people wouldn’t do it so badly, so I like to celebrate those that do it well and in my opinion, Samantha S Jones of [Liv-Glam] is one of those that do it extremely well indeed.

This outfit is Fall 2012 Hanna Trumpet Sleeve Tunic SP3, and it comes with not only  the above beautiful colour but with a hud that lets you change this dress into 12 differently textured dresses. Each one is textured with as much care as the one shown, all the parts done perfectly, not one big blob of colour and letting the gray tint fill in the details. Each of these dresses could easily sell for 200L each, but you get them all on sale today for 49L  for the whole kit and caboodle.  Those are words. Honest. Also, 49L is not a typo..there shouldn’t be a zero on the end of that, it just feels like there should be, logic dictates that there should be, but no, it’s a fantastic deal you should grab…NOW!


Right now there is a little mini sale going on in the [Liv-Glam] main store lobby, I don’t know why it is or when it ends, I missed the notice about it, and the notice tab is grayed out in the group for some reason, but let’s enjoy the sale while it’s there. There is this suit/dress combo called Westwood, which is a modern satiny black dress with tiny white polka dots with a hem that drops down to the back, right on point with this years fashion trends. The dress goes up to a low cut lace jacket layer and a mesh jacket.

This shows you the wonderful detail there is in this outfit. The lovely lace peaking out from under the jacket. The lapel of the jacket done in the texture of the skirt. The buttons have the texture of tarnished silver. This outfit is just 99L right now, you can get a demo of it by touching the display and choosing demo from the menu that comes up.

 These shoes I wore with the outfit are also a part of the sale, they are called Eclipse Open-Toe Pumps, and they change with a texture change hud to 24 different colours. As you can see by the photo, they colour match skin beautifully and they can change size to match your legs seamlessly. The have a lot of different colours of nail polish and they have sound options as well, but they default to off and that’s how I kept it. These are very well made, sexy shoes, that were easy to work with. They are on sale for 99L, that’s 24 different pairs of shoes in one for 99L. You can’t beat that!


For one of their 55L Thursday offering of the last week (they keep them out all week long til the next Thursday), [Liv-Glam] has a full outfit called Fall 2012 – Nayomi Autumn Layers-Plum. When I say it’s a full outfit, I mean just that. You get the boots, the pants, the top/jacket set, the purse and the scarf. All this for 55L. Can anyone get even the boots for that elsewhere? This is a great outfit to wear now that fall has come to SL.

Just one note, the photo on the sales board has a different purse then I’m showing you here, this is the purse that actually came with the outfit, probably a bagging error, but wanted to show you what you got.

I wanted to show you an upclose look at some of the great textures in the coat, and the scarf. I love the bottoms she uses, it really looks like real coat buttons.

I also had one more ulterior motive, as part of the mini-sale, they have a 20 pack of lip glosses on a hud, that are for sale for 99L, and in this photo I’m wearing one of them. You can get a free demo and try one. I love the hud, because it lets you keep just one item in your inventory for all the lipsticks, when you want a lipstick, just click on the colours you want to try, try them on, it delivers tattoos to you, try them on, pick the one you want to wear, and delete the rest.  Easy Peasy and easy on the inventory, and I think I’m not the only one who can use help in that area!

Photography Credits – The photographs were taken in my Katink Photo Studio with their new texture set Abstract Fun Set 1,

Poses – Picture 1 – Still Life – Love – Quick, Bad & Bones

Picture 2 – Synt – Just As Exclusive

Picture 3 – Amacci – Model Poses – 5A

Picture 4 – Still Life – Love – How Much More

Picture 5 – Forgot to write it …sorry

Picture 6 – Art Body Store – Handbag 06

Picture 7 – Art Body Store – Handbag 04

Finishing Touches –

Picture 1 & 2 – Lashes – [LeLutka]-2011 lashes – Long (same for all photos)

Eyes – Amacci Gaze Eyes – Gold brown

Nails – Izzie’s – Classic Nails

Skin – Dutch Touch – Jaliah – Cafe Noir

Eyeshadow – Blacklace Beauty Disco Shadows – Aqua

Lipstick – [mock] Lip Effect Prototype (Gold) Style 2

Jewelry – Lazuri – Tres Chic Necklace & Earrings

Footwear – G*Fields – Strap Shoes – Alex -Metallic Pack – Gold

Hair – Likeli – Eleazia – Black

Photos 3 to 5 – Eyes – Aphotic Gloom – Aquilius Eyes – Anya

Nails –  Izzie’s – Spring/Summer 2012 Classic Nails

Skin – Al Vulo! – Julia  –  Pink – Light Brow – Cocoa

Jewelry – [ glow ] studio – Essence necklace (silver/cold-blue)

Hair – Dura – Boys & Girls # 13 – Chocolate

Photos 6 & 7 – Eyes – Mayfly – Deep Sky Mesh Eye (Grey Shadow, w3)

Skin – League – Isla –  Dark  – Lavender –  Brunette Brows

Jewelry – NHA! – Adele Earrings

Hair – Dura – Group Gift – Halloween 2012